Sabtu, 26 Februari 2022

IBLIS RAJA HOAX Penulis : Romy Sastra

Dalam masa perencanaan pembangunan di hadirat Allah SWT untuk kehidupan dan peradaban di muka bumi sebelum manusia diciptakan. Iblis sudah memulai hoax di dalam dirinya, dan sudah mulai menanam jaringan proxy di dalam pikirannya untuk tidak mau bersujud pada Adam karena kesombongan. Adam tercipta menjadi insan kamil yang diciptakan langsung oleh tangan Rabbnya.

Allah Ta’ala berfirman,

قَالَ يَا إِبْلِيسُ مَا مَنَعَكَ أَنْ تَسْجُدَ لِمَا خَلَقْتُ بِيَدَيَّ

“Hai iblis, apakah yang menghalangi kamu sujud kepada yang telah Ku-ciptakan dengan kedua tangan-Ku.”(Shaad: 75)

Hanya ada empat ciptaan yang diciptakan langsung oleh Allah SWT dari tangan-Nya yaitu:

- Al-Arsy

- Surga Al-'Adn

- Adam As

- Al-Qalam (kitab, pena)

Selain dari itu Allah SWT menciptakan alam-Nya dengan kalimat "Kun".

Iblis raja hoax, ketika Adam selesai diciptakan oleh Allah secara langsung menjadi insan kamil, lalu Adam kesepian dengan beberapa waktu yang lama tak ada kawan hidup sebagai pendamping, dengan keinginan Adam, Allah menciptakan Hawa dari tulang rusuknya. Hawa tercipta dari rasa keinginan Adam, berbahagialah Adam dan Hawa di surga.

Dengan melihat kebahagiaan Adam dan Hawa, iblis raja hoax cemburu tak senang diam untuk menghancurkan tatanan kehidupan Adam yang sudah ditetapkan di surga. Iblis memasang strategi hoax dalam pikirannya, dan mengunakan proxy di dalam politiknya untuk menghancurkan kehidupan Adam, dan iblis berhasil menggoda Adam apa yang dilarang Allah SWT, hingga Adam diusir ke dunia tak lagi tinggal di surga.

Kehidupan terus berlanjut dalam peradaban anak cucu turunan Adam dan Hawa di dunia. Bagaimana Qabil telah terasut oleh perangkat hoax dan proxy iblis akan tirani dendam pada ayahnya sewaktu di surga. Qabil menyimpan kedengkian kepada saudaranya Habil, dan Habil terbunuh. Iblis lagi-lagi sukses menjadi proxy war di dalam kehidupan anak-anak Adam alaihi salam.

Tirani dendam terus berlanjut dalam kehidupan anak Adam as yang lain yaitu Nabi Syits, ketika Syits hendak menggauli istri yang sah, Mulat. Iblis dengan cekatan memindahkan Mulat dari pembaringan peristirahatan Syits untuk mengganti dengan Dlajah anak dari Idajil raja Iblis. Wajah Mulat dan Dlajah serupa mereka berdua sama-sama cantik. Nabi Syits menggauli Dlajah berkali-kali, sehingga terjadilah embrio Syits di rahim Mulat dan di rahim Dlajah melahirkan generasi cikal bakal dua kubu peradaban untuk kehidupan manusia. Keturunan dari Mulat dan Syits bernama 'Anwas' adalah insan kamil sebagai Khalifah di muka bumi, dan keturunan Dlajah dan Syits bernama 'Anwar' menjadi manusia sakti dalam dunia pewayangan sebagai bibit sejarah kerabat yang baik dan buruk di kisah khayangan dibumbui puncak konflik akibat hoax dan proxy, dan lagi-lagi raja hoax serta proxy iblis sukses menjadi pelakon utama sebagai skenario peradaban kehancuran perang di negeri antah berantah dalam wiracarita Ramayana dan Mahabharata.

Kehidupan berlanjut, peradaban berganti terus berputar dan bergulir hingga akhir zaman. Hoax dan proxy adalah jaringan mematikan, menghancurkan, fitnah, adu domba. Jika manusia tidak tabayyun berpikir jernih waspada dalam perkara yang tak jelas menerbitkan dan menyebarluaskan propaganda hoax di mana-mana di kehidupan ini. Maka kehancuran bak bom waktu akan terjadi kapan saja dan itu pasti.

Iblis raja hoax terus beraksi, betapa suatu negara atau pemimpin berhasil hingga berjaya membangun kehidupan untuk rakyatnya. Negara dan pemimpinnya akan hancur di jaringan hoax (berita bohong, fitnah) di mana nurani tak lagi mendasari kepada catatan kebenaran untuk suatu pernyataan akan menimbulkan kekacauan di muka bumi ini, katakan dialah geng Idajil (Dajjal) itu sendiri.

Contoh dunia korban hoax dan proxy war:

Bagaimana Uni Soviet hancur menjadi negara-negara kecil. Amerika Latin berkonflik kepentingan tak sudah-sudah karena hoax dan proxy war. Irak dan saddam Hussein mati dan hancur ketika hoax Amerika berhasil merasuki dunia dan sekutunya yang tak terbukti Irak mendirikan reaktor nuklir di negaranya tersebut. Duo Korea bertikai tak kunjung selesai akibat korban proxy war, negara tersebut sampai kini tak jua menyadari.

Jazirah Arab terkotak-kotak dalam akidah, sebab kepentingan dunia politik egoisme dari pemimpin dan kelompok-kelompok manusianya untuk eksistensi ideologi yang dirancang dalam panji-panji organisasi yang korban anak-anak mati kelaparan, orang tuanya mati di ujung mesiu, kota hancur manusia itu perang saudara dan sudah berhati serigala (homo homini lupus) serta konflik belahan dunia lainnya juga saling membunuh perang saudara dari dulu hingga kini bahkan sampai akhir zaman.

Indonesia dalam masa kerajaan, penjajahan, serta di masa kemerdekaan dan setelahnya di masa pembangunan ini dalam berbagai bidang selalu menjadi korban hoax dan proxy melahirkan tikai. Indonesia dalam pesta demokrasi tengah berlangsung untuk hajat pemilu serentak di setiap pesta pergantian pemilihan kepemimpinan pemerintah dan legislatif. Hoax sangat nyata bertaburan di mana-mana untuk menjatuhkan lawan dan kawan. Hampir tidak bisa dibedakan mana pematang mana sawah sama rata, jika manusia tak memiliki nurani untuk menganalisis informasi dan artikel bertebaran di dunia nyata di warung-warung kopi dan di dunia cyber, tanpa bertabayyun lebih dulu ikut memakan mentah-mentah hidangan Dajjal yang disebarkannya.

Dan tentu kita perlu waspada serta mewaspadai suatu bibit kehancuran di era teknologi ini, jangan sampai kodok bernyanyi hujan tak jadi membasahi area kebun bertani. Jika hujan tiba banjir melanda, kodok diam seribu bahasa, malah kedinginan tak bisa berenang ke seberang, justru hanyut di kedalaman air berlumpur, yang ada hajat bibir-bibir menjadi ngawur. Padahal kita bersaudara dari balung tunggal yang ada, menjadi organ sedarah di mana posisi tuan dan kawan berada?

LAWAN HOAX untuk tidak menyebarkannya. Pencipta hoax menghasilkan uang ratusan juta rupiah per bulan, mereka kaya kita dapat apa? Yang ada hanya kebodohan dan tolol, ikut serta jadi penyumbang devisa kesuksesan Dajjal dunia, mari bertabayyun!

Penulis : Romy Sastra
Jakarta, 20 Februari 2020


Literature can be said as a social science because it has been included in the category of discipline of knowledge, which has been arranged systematically in the forms of arts. It is concerned with all aspects of human life and the universe in their entirety. Every work of literature is about something concerning with human life. The more a person read literaure , the better stocked will his mind be with knowledge. Perhaps one of the greatest obstacles to understand literary work is to assume that the literary work,even when it seems most factual, is an actual transcription of real life (William F. Irmscher,1975 : 4)

Why is literature ? It is because through literature we can understand and analyse situations or problems that occur in social life. This presumably why literature is commonly interested to be learned by people or students in universities.Through literature, we can find out a special kind of knowledge which every society must foster is that concerning its own culture. Here we use it to signify what is peculiarly characteristic of a particular community,including its organization , institution, laws, custom, education, religion, work, play, art and so on.(Muhammad Muhsin, 1979 : 1)

Literature has four important branches that should be known such as poetry, novel, drama and short stories. In today’s time, there are so many people feel interested to learn poetry because the form of poetry is rather simple than other literary works like novel,plays,etc. Even the people write and ricite poetry in many places around the world. Why is it so? It is because writing poetry does not need much time to spare compared with novel and play. Beside writing poetry, many people also like to write and read short stories bacause it needs short time to write. It is only 10 minutes to read it.

Nowadays, the short story becomes popular in our country and in foreign countries because it is highly condensed and it does not take them to read for along time like novel and play. Therefore, many people tend to choose

the two literary works as a source of writing and reading. Anyhow, this is not always to be assumed that the two lireray works like poetry and short story merely as the source of writing and reading.This depends of the authors and readers’ personality.

Why is literature for? The first motif for studying literature is to broaden knowledge concerning with social science. Through literature we can easily acknowledge the vital part played in human affairs by writers. Literature as a social science can deepen human understanding about social life. As a matter of fact, to study literature people can entertain themselves and get pleasure and it is not only to know what the aspects of literature is in general but also to make the people’s mind be fresh.

The meaning of literature is highly expressed in terms of writing since it is an art expressed in words. Each person must understand the value of literature and its branches. The word “literature”also is frequently used in general sense, however, literature has come to be identified particularly with artistic forms of verbal expression as what has been stated by William ,F .Irmscher. Thus, to understand the value of literary works like poems written by the poets in every anthlology of poetry is very significant. This is an agreeable argument to support since the meaning of a poem should be appreciated in case of the theme, diction and message conveyed by the poets. However, this should be supported because the more we appreciate a literary work , the more knowledge of understanding social life there will be. That’ s why the literary man and the learner of literature are demanded to study many kinds of literature like Sociology of literature, Psychology of literature, Comparative literature, Literary criticism, Philosophy of literature, and so on in order that they may not find out difficult to study literature.

Many people assume that studying literature is not an easy work. It is because literature has a wide field of studying. It concerns with other social sciences such as political science, psychology , anthropology, history, law, sociology, etc. These are not only the basic of learning literature since literature needs language. So, the writer of literary works should have a competence of mastering the language and the literary knowledge as well. For instance : The writer of the poems should have a skill to choose the precisely words in writing a poem related to the theme. The poet should know what the subject matter and intention of the poem to write. In fact, there are so many writers of the poems are still confused to write poems in case of choosing the right words, and figures of speech to make the poems beautiful. These refer to the writer’s skill in mastering the language that is used in writing poem.

No wonder if it is said, understanding literature is like golden fish to be grasped and caught to consume since it makes a change in man’s life. Literature is automatically change students’attitude to be intellectual in social life because of its significant poetics. The reason why it is so because literature is an entertainment and to broaden the way of life knowing much about societies, other writers’ principles, and way of human life around the world. That’s is one of the advantages possessed by the learners of literature if they know much about literature. If it is possible students or people should have to know the genres of literature like English literature, American literature, French literature, African literature, Australian literature, Indonesian Literature, Malay literature, and so on. They are fully significant to to learn because in every country, it has many authors with different background of knowledge about literature. This can be touched in mind since comparative literature as a part of literature has given significant point to make the learners understand the difference and similarities of literary works created by authors in every country.

In accordance with learning and understanding literature, the learners will be more specifically familiar with literary criticism. The aim of learning literary criticism as a part of literature is to broaden the people’s ways of thinking towards discerning or evaluating literary works whether they are good or bad. Through literary criticism, people may know the quality of writing literary works by authors. However, it may not be separated from learning literarture. Students who mostly learn in universities should know and learn literary criticim so as to improve their literary knowledge in learning literature completely.

BY : Siamir Marulafau

Siamir Marulafau
Faculty of Culture Study, University of North Sumatra,Medan


This writing aims to express the real meaning of what English For Specific Purposes is and why it is important to study in today’s time since it broadens the sense of the learners to study which is so much different with other language learning. The method used in this writing is descriptive method that ensures the writer to explain with using library research. The main goal of discussing this indicates an encouragement for the teacher as well as the learners of language is to grasp the knowledge of understanding what ESP there is regarding as one of the main important things to study.

Key words : express, broaden, grasp, ensure


1. What is ESP?
It is not a new question to answer what it is meant by English For Specific Purposes. It is a subset of English as a second or foreign language. It deals with teaching language with a specific method used by the teacher of a language in University.This, however, employs the reference to the particular vocabulary and skill they need. The contribution of the teaching ESP in a certain language will focus on one occupation or profession, such as technical English, Scientific English for Economics, English for medical professionals, English for tourism, etc.

As described above, ESP has had a relatively long time to mature and so we would expect the ESP community to have a clear idea about what ESP means. It seems that many language leaner wish to improve their knowledge in understanding and teaching ESP in the classroom where as some people described ESP as simply being the teaching of English for any purpose that could be specified. Others, however, were more precise, describing it as academic studies or the teaching of English for vocational or professional purposes.

Concerning with the teaching ESP,the teachers should have skill in providing the know ledge of how to teach so as to make an improvement for the leaner of the language specifically like the teaching of ESP in Economic Faculty. The teachers should be familiar with the specific English vocabulary with a specific method of teaching, and if not, the learners will be fail. Therefore, The general English teachers should be trained and upgraded to improve their skill before conducting students for the professional skill, and studying ESP.

There are so many definitions of ESP as described and formulated in the study of language in relation to ESP. The variety definitions of ESP can be found in many references such as definitions of ESP (Dudley- Evans, 1997) stating that :

(1). ESP is defined to meet specific needs of the learners;
(2) ESP makes use of underlying methodology and activities of the discipline it serves ;
(3) ESP is centered in the language with different methodology from that of General English;

So far the ESP concerned with language teaching specifically can have variable characteristics such as :
(1) ESP may use related to or designed for specific discipline ;
(2)ESP likely to be designed for adult learners, either at the tertiary level institution or in a professional work situation, it could, however, be for learners at secondary school level ;
(3) ESP may be used in specific teaching situation , a different methodology of teaching.
(4) ESP is generally designed for intermediate or advanced students;
(5) Most ESP courses assume some basic knowledge of the language systems.

2. Why is ESP important to study?

As described above that it has been clear that the study of ESP will give a certain skill in understanding language whether it English or other languages that specifically study in University. Anyhow, this depends on the leaners whether they are in the department of Technic, Medical Science or Economic Science , etc.

It is said ESP is important to study because students in the spesific level of class in accademic science of studying Economics will gain a specific knowledge of language learning that may improve their professional skill. For example : A student of Economics can communicate and write in English which is not in General Language related to the needs of official work , and this is a target of learning be achieved when she or he was in the classroom study of the ESP.


Regarding the importance of leaning ESP, the successfull learners will not find it difficult to associate his job in a firm that might bring her/him in an advanced situation for the sake of the firm improvement in the future. Why is it so? It is because of grasping language skill in terms of learning ESP so as to make the firm be successful in the future.
That’s why in Asian Countries, and Western Countries , the course of ESP be established in order to be invited and asked to learn as what is seen in RELC, Singapore.This institution always asks the leaners to study English For Spesific Purposes in terms of improving a specific language and professional skill in mastering language, especially ESP . RELC also offers the scholarship for overseas students to join a group of learning language related to ESP. The institution of Language Center, RELC offers students, teachers, and lecturers to choose ESP that they need for job and teaching, such :

1. ESP for Official work
2. ESP for Medical Profession
3. ESP for Technical Profession
4. ESP for Social and Political Science
5. ESP for Aircraft Profession
6 etc

3. What is the real difference between ESP and General English?

As a matter of fact, Hutchinson et al. (1987 : 53) has already given the answer of this above question that his statement simply be in touch in mind “When the theory nothing, in practice a great deal”. What he means is really understood the ESP concerns with the practice in a specific purposes for professional skill. While General English is English for the theory where it is not formulated and designed for specific but for the public. English has many varieties in daily life as an International language that be used as second or foreign language.

For this, the most important things is that the instructors of ESP should be able to transfer their language competence of teaching ESP for the learners of ESP, and if not, there will be a chaotic idea of achieving the target of learning.

Do the students find it difficult to study ESP compared with General English? This question may arise to the fact that it concers with the personality of the learners. If the learnes of General English are well qualified in mastering the language itself, and they may be specifically easy to study ESP since the experience of learning be precisely proof that they are well in mastering ESP. But,this fully depends on the level education they have. If they are in the level of Intermediate or Advance , they are automatically to spend a shot time to master ESP,and this is always happened in daily life.

In fact, many students in our country have been successful to master ESP because of system of learning whereas the skilful and good teachers of ESP have a great deal experience of teaching, and this is used to be found in the Paedagogic or any language Institution related to the specification of teaching and leaning ESP.

4. Do the teachers of ESP need Psychology of Teaching?

Not only the teachers of ESP need psychology of teaching but general English teachers also need it because psychology of teaching is dominantly a pillar of encouraging students in the process of learning. Psychologically, an experienced teacher should be able to encourage students in the process of learning language since language studied is a part of human mind that may not be separated from human physic dealing with the brain, one of the important organs besides feeling.

The experienced teachers of ESP consequently know whether the students be taught in the language are really well mastering the language of specific purposes or not , and thus there should be an evaluation for these all. Otherwise, there may be a failure of achieving the target of learning. On the other hand, there must be a report whether it is positive or negative.

It must be kept in mind that not all the general teachers of English can be the teachers of ESP if they are not studying ESP specifically because the vocabulary of English ESP is much different from the vocabulary of general English, for examples : In Economics, the words like ‘stockholder’; ‘bank customer’, ‘Marketing manager’, ‘teller’, ‘income’, ‘financial manager’, etc.While in Technique, the world like ‘screw driver’ , ‘ views’ , ‘electrical’, ‘electricity’, etc.

5. Conclusion :

Having discussed ESP from the beginning up to the end, the writer of this scientific paper comes to conclusion that ESP is not really the same with general English, and it needs improvement for studying in the future since technology becomes more and more developed in the era of globalization.

References :

Dudley Evans,Tony (1998). Developments in English for Specific Purposes : multi- disciplinary
approach.Cambridge University,Press.
Hutchinson,Tom & Waters Alan (1987). English for Specific Purposes : A Learner- Centered
approach. Cambridge University,Press.
Johns, Ann M.& Dudley-Evans.Tony (1991). English for Specific Purposes : International
in Scope Specific in Purposes.Tesol Quartely 25: 2, 297 -314.
Strevens, P (1988). ESP after twenty years : A re-appraisal.In M. Tickoo (Ed) ESP State of Arts
(1-13).SEAMEO Regional Centre.

Siamir Marulafau
Faculty of Culture Study, University of North Sumatra,Medan


This writing aims to express the real meaning of what English For Specific Purposes is and why it is important to study in today’s time since it broadens the sense of the learners to study which is so much different with other language learning. The method used in this writing is descriptive method that ensures the writer to explain with using library research. The main goal of discussing this indicates an encouragement for the teacher as well as the learners of language is to grasp the knowledge of understanding what ESP there is regarding as one of the main important things to study.

Key words : express, broaden, grasp, ensure


1. What is ESP?

It is not a new question to answer what it is meant by English For Specific Purposes. It is a subset of English as a second or foreign language. It deals with teaching language with a specific method used by the teacher of a language in University.This, however, employs the reference to the particular vocabulary and skill they need. The contribution of the teaching ESP in a certain language will focus on one occupation or profession, such as technical English, Scientific English for Economics, English for medical professionals, English for tourism, etc.

As described above, ESP has had a relatively long time to mature and so we would expect the ESP community to have a clear idea about what ESP means. It seems that many language leaner wishes to improve their knowledge in understanding and teaching ESP in the classroom where as some people described ESP as simply being the teaching of English for any purpose that could be specified. Others, however, were more precise, describing it as academic studies or the teaching of English for vocational or professional purposes.

Concerning with the teaching ESP,the teachers should have skill in providing the know ledge of how to teach so as to make an improvement for the leaner of the language specifically like the teaching of ESP in Economic Faculty. The teachers should be familiar with the specific English vocabulary with a specific method of teaching, and if not, the learners will be fail. Therefore, The general English teachers should be trained and upgraded to improve their skill before conducting students for the professional skill, and studying ESP.

There are so many definitions of ESP as described and formulated in the study of language in relation to ESP. The variety definitions of ESP can be found in many references such as definitions of ESP (Dudley- Evans, 1997) stating that :

(1).ESP is defined to meet specific needs of the learners;
(2) ESP makes use of underlying methodology and activities of the discipline it serves ;
(3) ESP is centered in the language with different methodology from that of General English;

So far the ESP concerned with language teaching specifically can have variable characteristics such as :
(1) ESP may use related to or designed for specific discipline ;
(2)ESP likely to be designed for adult learners, either at the tertiary level institution or in a professional work situation, it could, however, be for learners at secondary school level ;
(3) ESP may be used in specific teaching situation , a different methodology of teaching.
(4) ESP is generally designed for intermediate or advanced students;
(5) Most ESP courses assume some basic knowledge of the language systems.

2. Why is ESP important to study?

As described above that it has been clear that the study of ESP will give a certain skill in understanding language whether it English or other languages that specifically study in University. Anyhow, this depends on the leaner whether they are in the department of Technigue, Medical Science or Economic Science , etc.
It is said ESP is important to study because students in the specific level of class in academic science of studying Economics will gain a specific knowledge of language learning that may improve their professional skill. For example : A student of Economics can communicate and write in English which is not in General Language related to the needs of official work , and this is a target of learning be achieved when she or he was in the classroom study of the ESP.

Regarding the importance of leaning ESP, the successful learners will not find it difficult to associate his job in a firm that might bring her/him in an advanced situation for the sake of the firm improvement in the future. Why is it so? It is because of grasping language skill in terms of learning ESP so as to make the firm be successful in the future.
That’s why in Asian Countries, and Western Countries , the course of ESP be established in order to be invited and asked to learn as what is seen in RELC, Singapore.This institution always asks the leaner to study English For Spesific Purposes in terms of improving a specific language and professional skill in mastering language, especially ESP . RELC also offers the scholarship for overseas students to join a group of learning language related to ESP. The institution of Language Center, RELC offers students, teachers, and lecturers to choose ESP that they need for job and teaching, such :

1. ESP for Official work
2. ESP for Medical Profession
3. ESP for Technical Profession
4. ESP for Social and Political Science
5. ESP for Aircraft Profession
6 etc

3. What is the real difference between ESP and General English?

As a matter of fact, Hutchinson et al. (1987 : 53) has already given the answer of this above question that his statement simply be in touch in mind “When the theory nothing, in practice a great deal”. What he means is really understood the ESP concerns with the practice in a specific purposes for professional skill. While General English is English for the theory where it is not formulated and designed for specific but for the public. English has many varieties in daily life as an International language that be used as second or foreign language.

For this, the most important things is that the instructors of ESP should be able to transfer their language competence of teaching ESP for the learners of ESP, and if not, there will be a chaotic idea of achieving the target of learning.

Do the students find it difficult to study ESP compared with General English? This question may arise to the fact that it concerns with the personality of the learners. If the learner of General English are well qualified in mastering the language itself, and they may be specifically easy to study ESP since the experience of learning be precisely proof that they are well in mastering ESP. But,this fully depends on the level education they have. If they are in the level of Intermediate or Advance , they are automatically to spend a shot time to master ESP,and this is always happened in daily life.

In fact, many students in our country have been successful to master ESP because of system of learning whereas the skillful and good teachers of ESP have a great deal experience of teaching, and this is used to be found in the Paedagogy or any language Institution related to the specification of teaching and leaning ESP.

4. Do the teachers of ESP need Psychology of Teaching?

Not only the teachers of ESP need psychology of teaching but general English teachers also need it because psychology of teaching is dominantly a pillar of encouraging students in the process of learning. Psychologically, an experienced teacher should be able to encourage students in the process of learning language since language studied is a part of human mind that may not be separated from human physic dealing with the brain, one of the important organs besides feeling.

The experienced teachers of ESP consequently know whether the studetns be taught in the language are really well mastering the language of specific purposes or not , and thus there should be an evaluation for these all. Otherwise, there may be a failure of achieving the target of learning. On the other hand, there must be a report whether it is positive or negative.

It must be kept in mind that not all the general teachers of English can be the teachers of ESP if they are not studying ESP specifically because the vocabulary of English ESP is much different from the vocabulary of general English, for examples : In Economics, the words like ‘stockholder’; ‘bank customer’, ‘Marketing manager’, ‘teller’, ‘income’, ‘financial manager’, etc.While in Technique, the world like ‘screw driver’ , ‘ views’ , ‘electrical’, ‘electricity’, etc.

5. Conclusion :

Having discussed ESP from the beginning up to the end, the writer of this scientific paper comes to conclusion that ESP is not really the same with general English, and it needs improvement for studying in the future since technology becomes more and more developed in the era of globalization.

References :
Dudley Evans,Tony (1998). Developments in English for Specific Purposes : multi- disciplinary
approach.Cambridge University,Press.

Hutchinson,Tom & Waters Alan (1987).English for Specific Purposes : A Learner- Centered
approach. Cambridge University,Press.
Johns, Ann M.& Dudley-Evans.Tony (1991). English for Specific Purposes : International
in Scope Specific in Purposes.Tesol Quartely 25: 2, 297 -314.

Strevens, P (1988). ESP after twenty years : A re-appraisal.In M. Tickoo (Ed) ESP State of Arts
(1-13).SEAMEO Regional Center.

Siamir Marulafau

Discussion about poetry is inseparable from human life since poetry is one of the literary genres.The primitive societies dominantly used poetry as a main medium of communication because most of them were illiterate.They seemed to be very successful to speak and convey their opinion among people to whom they spoke in daily life,and what about poetry in today's time?This question may be one of the most important things to be answered because of its function whereas poetry is something spontaneously coming from the deep feeling of human beings as what William Wodrswoorth said that poetry is something which spontaneously overflows of powerful feeling.

If we trace back from what poetry is defined above, it means every author of poetry writes poetry as an art and creates poetry to be the form of poetry itself based on the expressing of human feeling rather than a thought.Philosophically,every man, who writes poems has different ways of styles because of having different feeling, which basically related to the meaning.

No wonder if every author of poetry as the creator of the art of poetry itself considered as a poet, who has a capability and talent to write poems,and not every person can write poem since it needs talent.As a matter of fact,many poets in all over the world such as poets in Western countries, Malaysia, Brunei,Indonesia, Bangladesh, Thailand and some other countries in Asia have different talent, ways of writing and themes as well.Many of them tend to discuss about human life which related to the love, social life,humanity, politics and some other topics or themes as the subject matter of discussing.

In today's time,poetry becomes one of the most important figures be talked as a basic writing written in Anthologies as what have been seen in some poets like DR Ahmad Khamal Abdullah's Visiting the Land of Buds DrRaja Rajeswari Seetha Raman's Mekar Bunga ; Badaruddin Othman's Balak Bangsa ; Siamir Marulafau's Bahtera Dalam Ayat; Iberamsyah Barbary's Gurindam 12; Aminur Rahman's Perpetual Diary Diari Pribadi ; Nashuha Jamidin's Renunganku Dari Daerah Sepi ; Shirley Idris' Perempuan Serpihan Malam ; Prof.A Halim Ali's Melihat ke Dalam Diri; Dr.Lanka Siva Rama Prasad's The Red Ochre Box; LK Ara's Ucap Gemercik ; r.hamkama's Sajak Lxv; Zulkarnain Siregar's Pulang ke Hulu, Faridah's Jawapan Kepada Tuhan ; etc.

Not only in Anthologies the reputation of poets can be seen and talked but the poets like Zulfaisal Putera's poems; Edrida Pulungan's poem ; Suyadi San's poems; Romy Sastra's poems and some other poets like Wacana Minda's poems ,Asmira Suhadis' Aku Dan Hujan; Norazimah Abu Bakar's Lelaki Tua Di Landasan Kereta Api; Ratnasam Sib II's poems,Lily Swarn's poems, Rima-Rima Re's poems ; Hj Harisharis Hj Hamzah's poems ;Latty Latisa's poems ; Saedon Ibrahim's poems ; Lily Siti Multatuliana SutanIskandar's poems ; Porman Wilson Manalu's Poems and others can be read in some medias and talk the various themes and topics and all these concern with talking about social problems in relation with the unity and tolerance.

Why is poetry considered as a medium of unity and tolerance? It is because through poetry, man can share everything concerning with something in relation with personality, social problem and others to one with another based on the feeling deriving from holy soul as man created by God.Through poetry, man can be united and gathered in one place like in the festival poetry conducted in Singapore ,Bachok,Klantan and Banjarmasin seemed to be an impression for every poet coming and reciting poems so as to unite the poets of all.Besides, writing poems indicates human relation be kept well in the era of globalization and creates a global peace in all over the world since the poems being written discuss too much about humanity and how the social life be kept peacefully,and the relation among with the nature created by Almighty.

Through writing poetry, the poets mostly discuss about tolerance as a specific theme being talked in every poem written by the poets so as to remind others not to be overacting to do as what they like with the same creatures in the universe.This ideas can also be found in some American writers like Christina Anne Porter, Sylvia Plath,and others who disliked social oppression and they wrote poems concerning about the social problems.They would like the people were in peace without insulting and oppressing one with another. These can be assumed happened in today's time whereas the modern poets in all over the world think too much about tolerance towards religion so as to keep a good human relation and friendship among of all in order not to create conflict in social life, and this one be the most important need as a vision and mission why the poets mostly write poems in daily life.

Having discussed about the above topic, the speaker comes to conclusions that :

1.Poetry is really a mirror of human life,which may not be separated from man's life because through poetry man can be united from one place to another.

2.Poetry as a media can improve human resource, tolerance and avoid conflict among of all and construct a solution to social problems as well.

A Halim Ali, Melihat ke Dalam Diri.NHA Excell Resource.
Dr.Kemala, 2018,Visiting the Land of Buds.Institute
Terjemahan,Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Maninra Nath Sinha,1997,A Hand Book of the Study of
Literature.Barcilly 242001.
Peter B. High,1986,An Outline of American Literature.
Longman Inc, New York,USA.
Richard,Taylor,1981,Understanding the Element of Literature.
London: The Macmillan Press,Ltd.
Raja Rajeswari Seetha Raman,2006,Mekar Bunga.Penerbitan
Pustaka Nusa Sdn Bhd,Pusat Hentian Kajang,43000
Kajang,Selangor D.E.
Siamir Marulafau,2016,Bahtera Dalam Ayat:Kumpulan Puisi.
Penerbit CV Ganding Pustaka.
Nashuha Jamidin,2017,Renunganku Dari Daerah Sepi.
Nusantara Global Resources SDN.BHD.1683A,Kg.Che
Bema,Sungai Layar,Kedah Darul Aman.

Author's Life :
Siamir Marulafau was born in Nias.He is a lecturer at the University of North Sumatra ,Medan-Indonesia.He conducted seminar as speaker in Terengganu,2017,Pahang,2017, USM, 2017,Yala Rabath University,Thailand, 2018, Singapore,2018,
UNY,Yokyakarta,2018. He is a poet and writes research papers and scientific articles,published in International journals.


Syukur Alhamdulillah, karya- karya salah seorang dosen fib usu,Siamir Marulafau telah di masukkan dalam Anthology of Spiritual Poetry yang telah diterbitkan oleh Editorial Team of OPA, sebagai Anthology Puisi Penyair Dunia,2018

siamir marulafau

No questions can be drawn
No voice can concealed
Because of OPA is a spirit of all
That makes all be united from time to time

Every poet will have a spare time to write
From that, it will bring friendship till to die
That poems written as creation
It looks the sun provides lighting

And be as like the moon in the night
Which can give lightning to be bright
Is like a candle to enlighten
That is OPA,,,,,Anthology of Spiritual Poetry

That all verses be drawn look like daffodils
Growing under the trees beneath the hills
Which make every poet pick them up
With really overjoyed to keep in mind

Since OPA looks like angel from radiant claims
To enable one and others be active to write
Without having a thought of tiredness
That brings up solidarity among,happiness and peace

We thank too much for dear fellow poets,NilavroNill Shoovro,and editors of this group OPA, especially for publishing this Anthology of Spiritual Poetry as a sweet memory for very poet writing poems in this Anthology, and it is considered as beautiful note though it looks like a simple one but has deep meaning so as to make poets read each submission as a subject be appreciated.

Thus, i myself agreed since to be a member of this group,OPA which made me enable to share my ideas dealing with the contexts of poems writing through this Anthology that i dare say up to now all the poems i read from my fellow poets and poetess be a sharing for my knowledge in literature.It is not a useless comment i urge but really shows a proof that this Anthology is regarding as "HUMAN RESOURCE" for every poet and poetess and others to improve their way of thinking in case of literary appreciation entirely.

Through this Anthology, we acknowledge that it is an important role to build up a good friendship among of all, who have been involved in writing poems so as to know the style of writing of every poet and poetess as a means of understanding each other from every country in the world.Surely, that every author has different way of writing and appreciating poems as well since they have different background of knowledge and education.Thus, this will be a good opportunity for each of poet to share their knowledge concerning literature through contributions submitted each month.

What should I answer if one will ask question, "Why do you want to choose OPA, and write poems there"?Absolutely my answer is that OPA is group writing poems which consists of many poets and poetess involved in it,,,,,and it is an excellent group to be followed,,,,,,,Why? Since OPA provides a chance for every poet and poetess in all over the world to send their contributions as poems be published,read and appreciated whereas the editors of OPA also selected the best poems and ten top poets or poetess each month of publication,,,,,,,,,,,,and that is what make me interested to join.I think other poet and poetess think is just the same that OPA is really a helpful medium to access the weakness of each poets and poetess in writing poems.

I myself, in this writing finally thank for editorial team for their valuable effort to accept and publish my contributions through this Anthology that makes me have more spirit to write and share ideas dealing with writing and appreciating poems.


TO READ ONE OF Selma Kopic’s poems entitled “ GRAIN OF SAND”
By : Siamir Marulafau ,a lecturer of English and Literature, University of Sumatera Utara Medan-Indonesia
E-mail :


I want to lie down
and watch the world lying down.
I want to watch, listen,
and say nothing.
I want to see the changes
that will take place without me.
Certainly so far
there has been no echo
- the one no one hears
is just a ruin of a man.
I want to lie down
and watch the world lying down.
I want to watch, listen,
and say nothing.
And while my limbs are powerless,
I want to see how powerful they are.
Will they notice the emptiness
when they no longer have to look
at this ruin?
Even though I look like a hill,
boulders, city walls,
like grain of sand I feel now.
They can trample me,
blow me away
with just one breath;
they can shake me off the shoe
in which I sting them
and block their flight.
What is a grain of sand
for such a vast world?
my hands tied
and my mouth sealed,
I've been having
conversations with myself
for a long time.
I would like someone to hug me,
to warm me up,
and no one has hugged me for years.
I want to lie down
and watch the world lying down.
I want to watch, listen,
and say nothing.


To read Selma Kopic’s poem entitled “ Grain of Sand” makes my heart beaten. Why is it so? It is because in the first line of the poem, she says that she wants to lie down and watches the world lying down. The poet here comes to use a beautiful sentence using a figure of speech like persinification that “ the world lying dow”. Since I start reading this poem, i find out that the poet merely watches and listens but she says nothing. In my mind the writer of this poem feels something what she hears and sees the changes of the world though has no echo. What she sees and hears is so far away as if no one hears except her. She knows it is only a ruin of man. What the poet says in the lines of her poem is true if she looks like the one whose lipms are powerless. She is certainly seen to be nothing by the people around and they only look at her like ‘GRAIN OF SAND’.These lines urged by the poet is exactly accepted if it is now seen from the social condition in today’s time. The life seems becomes chaotic whereas no body cares each other and they are very egoish. I myself feel very sad since i read this and say how cruel the people at present time that life is regarding as absurd. These following lines shows us how the poet describes her feeling towards seeing the condition of life nowadays.

“I want to lie down
and watch the world lying down.
I want to watch, listen,
and say nothing.
I want to see the changes
that will take place without me.
Certainly so far
there has been no echo
- the one no one hears
is just a ruin of a man.”

In the next lines of the poem, the poet repeats the sentences she writes so as to empasize the feeling of emptiness to see the condition of the people she sees . She only wants to listen and see whether the men around will take care of her or not while she is in the streets walking and lay down on the earth. What thing makes me interested to read is that the poet explains though she looks like a hill, boulders , city walls but it is nothing to be considered like that. She feels like grain of sand. She further elaborates her reader that she may be once trampled and blown her though she is in one breath with them. As a matter of fact, she directly says they can shake her off and make her frightened if she stings them and blocks their flight. Let’s see the followings lines :

“I want to lie down
and watch the world lying down.
I want to watch, listen,
and say nothing.
And while my limbs are powerless,
I want to see how powerful they are.
Will they notice the emptiness
when they no longer have to look
at this ruin?
Even though I look like a hill,
boulders, city walls,
grain of sand I feel now.
They can trample me,
blow me away
with just one breath;
they can shake me off the shoe
in which I sting them
and block their flight.”

In some lines of this poem, the poem then expalins what a grain is like her to live in the world she lays down if her her hands tied and her mouth sealed. If this happened in her life ,what this world say? She,therefore has no conversation and comment but anyhow, she would like if one of these men huges her and warms her so as to make her feeling be soothed . She once thinks that no one,who has hugged her for years. That is why she merely wants to lie down , watch and listens as well. In her feeling , she just keeps silent and says nothing. As a proof, let’s see these following lines:

“What is a grain of sand
for such a vast world?
my hands tied
and my mouth sealed,
I've been having
conversations with myself
for a long time.
I would like someone to hug me,
to warm me up,
and no one has hugged me for years.
I want to lie down
and watch the world lying down.
I want to watch, listen,
and say nothing.”


Having read this poem from the begining up to the end, it can be said that this poem is a form of a narrative and lyrical poetry .The poet uses a simple language which is not complicated to understand. The poet is free to state her story dealing with the theme she intends to write. The choice of words is very precisely used to formulate the dictions using some figures of speech like personification, hyperbole, and simile. These all are seemed to create poetic languages with metaphorical images. Some metaphoric languages can be grasped like :

// I want to see the changes//that will take place without me//
//I want to lie down//
//and watch the world lying down.//
//I want to watch, listen,//
//and say nothing.//

The poet seems to use a figure of speech like “ Simile” in terms of making a comparison between her herself and the things she sees in life like :

“Even though I look like a hill,
boulders, city walls,
like grain of sand I feel now.”

In my opinion, the poet also uses repetition ,which can be found in the first, second, third and fourth line of the poem and some line in the middle of the poem itself so as to emphasize the meaning of the poem concerning with the theme she intends to write. See these followings :

“I want to lie down
and watch the world lying down.
want to watch, listen,
and say nothing.”
“I want to lie down
and watch the world lying down.
I want to watch, listen,
and say nothing.”

This poem is also written in structural form that may not break the rule of writing sentences based on the patterns of sentences by Robert Khorn in his “ ENGLISH SENTENCE STRUCTURE”. Some examples of these sentence patterns can be found in the lines such as :

I Want to see the changes
They can trample me
I want to lie down
I want to watch
This poem can be analyzed by using textual approach in Intrinsic term based on the theory of Rene Wellek and Austin Warrent in “The Theory of Literature”. But, anyhow, this depends on the researher what methods and theories he or she uses in analyzing this poem.

Siamir Marulafau

Faculty of Culture Sciences, University of North Sumatra, Medan-Indonesia


This writing aims to describe how English poetry is applied in social life . Poetry as a branch of Literature which may not be separated from societies needs application to be discussed in the seminar at the Universities in case of its role in social life.The writer of this scientific paper used descriptive qualitative method in library research based on the data, which was taken as a proof collected from the library and internet itself. The writer feels sure that by using this method, the problem being discussed will be easier to solve. English poetry in social life considered as written in a foreign language indicates that it has an important role to be a source of discussion. The reason why the writer uses English poetry to discuss is to prove poetry as authentic material and to familiarize English poetry as a foreign language to societies in terms of writing and reciting poetry. This certainly will expand the competence of understanding the poetry in today’s time.

Key Words : applied, considered, discussed, reciting, separate

1. Introduction

In today’s time poetry is very common to be discussed by the public, especially among the writers of the poems. Poetry as a branch of literature is very important to be the source of discussion because of its significant and beautiful poetic form in societies. Discussing about poetry in social life seems to be very often because many people nowadays like to write and read it. As a matter of fact, there are so many poets in all over the world are using poetry in daily life as an entertainment to read. Many of them also regarded that reading poetry in the public or on the stage is very interesting because it gives a wide inspiration and to exchange the feeling of boredom in life. Besides, it will develop human relation among societies. Why should poetry be selected as a topic in this writing? It is because poetry helps us understand and appreciate the world around us. Poetry teaches us how to live since it describes the situation of life among such as the life of people in pandemic, covid-19 situation up today. This has been described in the poems written by the lecturers of Faculty of Cultural Sciences, University of Sumatera Utara, Medan. One of the poets is known to be an example of the situation being discussed is T. Thyrhaya Zein, who has written two poems in the Anthology of Covid -19 Poetry. Her poem entitled “ Energy in Covid-19 Pandemic” and “Corona Virus”.

She seems to discuss how dreadful Corona Virus kills societies as an illustration of pandemic situation in all over the world since 2019 until now. With the two topics of the above poems, the poet makes reader understand the role of poetry in social life that can not be separated from human life itself. No wonder if the poetry looks like angel from the blue sky to be widely written and read by societies regarding as a mirror in lives.

2. Problem Statement

In order to know more about the specification of writing this scientific research, the writer intends to state the problem of statement indicating the major thing that should be discussed. The main problem is that what are the roles of poetry in social life and how does poetry influence social life? The researcher only used two poems by Thyrhaya Zein as the main discussion because he knows that the two poems can cover all the problems being discussed.

3. Research Questions

In terms of understanding the real problem of discussing the above topic, the writer tends to show the readers about the research questions in order that they know why should this writing be written? The research questions be applied in this writing is that why is English poem regarded has important roles and influences social life ?

4. Purpose of the Study

Every writing should have the purpose of its own so as to make the readers understand why the writing should be written and published. In this writing, the writer applies the purpose of writing such as to find out if the poetry used by people has roles in social life or not, and also to find out whether poetry influences social life or not as well. The most important thing to write this scientific research is to give a reference to the poets and readers so that they can broaden their knowledge in understanding how significant poetry in social life is.

5. Research Methods

What has been discussed to write this scientific research is that the writer tends to use descriptive qualitative method mentioned in abstract. He believes that this method will be able to describe the problems being discussed, especially to describe the problems related to the analysis dealing with collecting data which be accumulated through internet and references or books in the library so as to make the scientific writing be more accurate and complete. Every writing has the main aim to fulfill the real goal why the scientific writing should be published. More or least, it should be read in order to know what it is.

6. Findings

6.1. Why is poetry?

In today’s time, there are so many people like writing and reading poetry. The poetry is written in various languages. Poetry is considered as a medium of communication used by primitive societies who had no competence in writing. They merely convey their ideas to one with other people by using poetry. Poetry as a branch of literature is obviously loved by people because English poetry is important to keep human relationship as well as to make people understand and appreciate the life among them. As a proof, let’s have a look on the poem written by Thyrhaya Zein, who has given a description of pandemic situation occurred in today’s time in “An Anthology of Covid-19 Poetry(2021 : 58)

“The energy in covid-19 pandemic
It flows throughout body and soul
It awakens who i am
It reminds me of wisdom”(L,1 : 58)

The four lines of the above describe us how covid-19 has a power of pandemic to destroy man’s life and to show the people who it is and gives a warning in order that man should be wise to clear up the situation because its scattering is fully spread without knowing by people accidentally. The poem indicates as a significant thing that should be understood by people around to be aware of their life so that they can run the life for so long.

Another aspect should be known how important poetry to societies is by reading the lines of the poem such as :

“ There is a spiritual distance among soul, desire and material pleasure
The calamity sent by God reaches the essence of true worship
The humanitarian disaster is surely God’s will
The strength and humanity awareness of Covid-19 be provided”(L,3:58)

The above lines of the poem also gives an illustration how Corona Virus is cruel to kill and makes a social distance to keep up the health and desire and material pleasure as well in order that people know everything such as calamity provided by God as the bitter warning to human beings living in this world. As a matter of fact, everything is like disaster faced by man is totally coming from God’s will. Even though like that God as creator, who loves man always has no heart to destroy. God gives the strength for human beings and awareness of Covid-19 be provided. This is also a strong proof for the societies about the significance of poetry in social life so as to share information.

In her poem, she mentions it as a plague to kill. This statement through this beautiful poem stating that corona virus has become a trial of her belief. This can be also a proof to be understood and known by societies that a poet like Thyrhaya Zein regarding as one of the poets, who believes in God and uses to pray to God in order that her belief may not be collapsed. She hopes that pandemic has to go away soon. Her statement can be recorded as a good lesson for the societies regarding virus corona looks like ghost to kill human beings in today’s time. Let’s have a look on the following lines of the poem.

“It a plague to kill
It becomes a trial of may belief and human sensitivity
Sincerity in praying makes me more strong
The pandemic soon goes away on the earth” (L 4:58)

In the following lines of the poem, the poet again gives an illustration to societies that Covid-19 has made her energy twice because everything concerning with this pandemic direct her to gain more faith. She tends to acknowledge all people to be aware and keep up and care soul more and more. It is because holy soul is one of the most important things for man to be aliving in this universe.

Poetry as a mirror of social life can be a sample or a proof regarding the topic of the poem entitled “ Corona Virus” by Thyrhaya Zein invites societies to know more information about virus and its cruelty to man. The poet frankly states that Corona Virus is really dangerous and cruel to bring man to death. This information can be well understood through the following lines of the poem.

“You are cruel creature
New cases are increasing
Sad news is often heard
The death is high as mountains” (L, 1 : 59)

Through this poem, the people know what the researcher means in her poem that she really feels very sad to see how Corona virus kills people without having a feeling of love. The virus does not know whether the rich or the poor is being killed and the young or the old one as well. But, the virus is stubborn enough with has no heart to take a pity to kill. It is really amazing to see the condition of societies, who are unable to sustain themselves from the suffering of life caused by the corona virus.

“ You are a vile creature
You have killed the lives
No choice for the poor and rich
Young or old is the same” (L, 2 : 59)

In this poem, the poet intends to let societies see how she feels disappointed and angry to see the situation that the virus really disturbs and spoil the life of societies and to make friendless among others. She wishes corona virus to run away from this world. She hopes the people may understand the condition of life in today’s time because corona virus is really cruel to kill. Virus Corona is not only to kill but also to separate one from others. The emphasis of the cruelty of the corona virus by the poets can be seen in the following lines of her poem.

“You are unfeeling creature
You have disturbed normal life
You spoil family relation ship
And thin out friendship among
You are like ghost
You have destroyed all life
You keep someone away from their relatives
You have spoilt friendship
You are an ugly creature
Go away and back to where you came from
You may not come back again and again
You look like to destroy human lives(L, 3,4,5 : 59)
6.2. Does poetry affect human life?

Many researchers assume that poetry is really a mirror of life because it is a part of literature. By poetry , it reflects all human actions to live in the world. The societies from time to time like to learn and know the aim of writing poetry. Poetry is not only known by people in today’s time but also from the ancient time up to primitive societies. In fact, poetry teaches societies how to live and make them understand how this life to survive beside poetry illustrates how to gain moral lessons, improve a large scope of knowledge as well. There are so many anthologies of poems written by the poets and give information about social life such as to make them know much about the social events occurred around the world. This surely be a proof to keep in mind for all the people to know the pattern of the poets’ thought in describing social events in societies as what has been talked by Thyrhaya Zein in her poems that the poet herself is influenced by what she sees in social life. As a matter of fact, Thyrhaya Zein is not merely influenced by the poetry but also other poets are like Tengku Silvana Sinar, Siamir Marulafau, Parlindungan Purba, Suwesana Mardiah Lubis, Marta Pardede, Yulianus Harefa, Rohani Gani, Deliana, Ruy Sofyan, Rahmadsyah Rangkuti and some other poets in Indonesia, Malaysia and other parts of countries in all over the world.

Through this scientific writing, it is said that by learning poetry, the people are certainly affected in mind until they like to write poetry. It is because poetry triggers their emotion, their brain, and gives them space for self reflection. It is obviously known that the affection of learning poetry by societies will change their attitude to be calm and to have much experience in life besides having a thought that poetry really teaches themselves about arts. Poetry as a branch of literature that be created in arts as what William F. Irmscher said in “The Nature of Literature” that literature is an art expressed in words (1975 : 2)

7. Conclusion

Having discussed poetry in social life, the researcher comes to conclusion that poetry like any other form of artistic creation transmits knowledge and human values and shares information about social events. Through poetry, people can be taught how to run the lives because poetry is an art as a part of literature. Poetry also enable to teach students of language, literature, societies how to write, read, and understand any text as well.

Alexander, L.G. 1977. Poetry and Prose Appreciation for over Sea Studies.
London: Longman Group.
Arthur, B. 968. Readig Literature and Learning a Second Language.
Learning18 (3-4)199-210
Benton, M. & Fox, G.1987. What Happens When We Read Poems in Lee, V J.(ed)
English Literature In Schools,Milton Keynes : Open University Press
Booth, D.E,& Moore,B.1988.Poems Please.Markham,OntarioPembroke PublisherLtd.
Cooper,HM.1988.The Structure of Knowledge Synthesis ‘ Knowledge in Society’.
Hall,L.1989.Poetry for Life,London : Cassel Education Ltd.
Laar,Gillian. 1993. Literature and Language Teaching. Cambridge
Widdowson, H. 1975. Stylistics and the Teaching of Literature.
Maley , A. & Moulding, S. 1983. Poem into Poem, Cambridge : Cambridge
University Press.
Orme, D & Sale, J.1987. The Poetry Show 1, London: Macmillan Education Ltd.
William F. Irmscher. 1975. The Nature of Literature. Holt, Reihart and Wiston, Inc.

Associate.Prof.Siamir Marulafau,M.Hum
Faculty of Cultural Sciences, University of North Sumatra, Medan-Indonesia


This writing aims to describe how Malay poetry is applied in Language teaching. Poetry as a branch of Literature which may not be separated from language needs application to be taught for students in Universities and teachers of language as a reference for teaching as well .The writer of this scientific paper used descriptive qualitative method in library research based on the data, which was taken as a proof collected from the library itself. The writer feels sure that by using this method, the problem being discussed will be easier to solve.While the methods of teaching used in language teaching through Malay poetry are Communicative and Discussion Method. Teaching Malay poetry through Malay language or English language indicates necessity of integrating literature because of its rich authentic model of language use. The reason why the writer uses Malay poetry as the source of teaching language is to prove literature as authentic material and to introduce how Malay poetry is used to teach by the teachers with the effectiveness of using Malay language or English language in the teaching instruction in the class. It is good to expose this to the learners of language in order that they know that poetry as a branch of literature has wide field of study that can be applied in language teaching. Poetry expands language development in daily life that the learners will obtain a specific knowledge in improving language competence in the four skills such as reading, writing, listening and speaking.

Key Words : applied, discussed, development, separate, teaching


In today’s time Malay poetry is very common to be discussed by the public, especially among the writers of the poems. Malay poetry as a branch of literature is very significant to be the source of language teaching because poetry is constructed in language. As a matter of fact there are so many language teachers using poetry in language teaching. Many of them also regarded that teaching poetry in the classroom is very interesting because it will develop a language competence in understanding of choosing dictions of writing poems and reciting the poem itself. Besides,it also improve students’s ability in constructing the figures of speech in the poems written by the poets and other knowledges of the language such as the semantic and structure as well.

In this scientific writing, a professional language teacher should use poetry as the arts of a poem or a poet (Hornby : 644) and appply it to students of language or literature in the classroom. Any topics of poems can be used in teaching language by the language teachers as long as the study material is poem. This depends on what the language teachers choose the material whether a poem written in English or in other languages. In this writing , the material study is concentrated on Malay poems by the famous poets like A. Halim Ali’s poems, a Malay poet, who has been famous in writing poems. His poems are mostly written in Malay language, and they are exactly to be the object study material for teaching language.

No wonder if literature in language teaching be applied can improve students’ competence in understanding Malay poetry since it can be related to syntax, semantic, phonology, lexical , etc, which are derived from poetry as a branch of literature, and this one of the reasons why the writer selected the topic in order that the language teachers can use this writing as a reference for teaching language using poems.

2. Problem of Study

It is acknowledge that teaching language throuh Malay poetry has a wide field of teaching because it is a branch of literature. Though it is a matter of fact, the writer of this scientific paper tends to limit the discussion and he only discusses how poetry be taught and applied in language teaching. The problem of the discussion be applied in ths scientific research is that can Malay poem be source of study material in language teaching in the classroom? These problems may arise to the fact that in the modern way of teaching , these always come up and experienced by the teachers and learners of Malay or English language. It is because solving problems of teaching language through poems means indicating the aims of teaching that should be known whether it is successful or not.

3. Objectives of Study

Dealing with the problem being discussed above, the researcher tries to find out the answer of the above question whether Malay poems can be the source of teaching using Malay language or English as medium of communication in the classroom or not?

4. Methodology

As what has been discussed to write this scientific research that the writer tends to use descriptive qualitative method mentioned in abstract. He believes that this method will be able to describe the problems being discussed, especially in describing the problems related to the analysis dealing with collecting data from the library and other data which be accumulated through internet so as to make the scientific writing be more accurate and complete. Every writing has the main aim to fulfill the real goal why the scientific writing should be published. More or least it should be read in order to know what it is. The most important thing to this scientific writing is to give a reference to the teachers of language so that they can broaden their knowledge in the problem of teaching through literature in the process of teaching language in the class.

5. Data Analysis

Why is Malay Poetry? In today’s time, there are so many teachers of language tend to teach language based on poetry. This may be one of the reasons why is Malay poetry to be the source of language teaching is that Malay poetry is simple to teach and study. While other teachers or students think Malay poetry is so complicated to teach or sudy because of its choose words. But, this has been a matter of fact that many teachers and students in Malaysia or other parts of countries, who are teaching and learning Malay poetry in University like to teach and study the poetry itself because they enjoy it.

Malay poetry has a place in the curriculum. It can be taught and studied as part of reading, writing and language lesson and it is easily applied into classroom themes , projects and celebration. On the other hands, Malay poetry can create students’ listening competence in language skill.

Why Teach Malay Poetry?

The professional language teachers, who are well in language and literature, he or she should be able to formulate and determine poetry as the source of teaching study material conducted in the classroom. He or she , who has capability to choose poetry to be taught in the classroom knows that teaching Malay poetry has a specific aim to teach and learn as has been designed before. Referring to the choose study material depends on the students’ competence in mastering language, and these all should be kept in mind that the language applied , taught and studied through poetry is the language of arts, which is not as same as the common English language.

Build Reading

Generally, the professional language teachers in Malaysia or other countries often practise teaching reading Malay poetry to students in the classroom so as to make students be fluent in reading poetry loudly while other students are listening. These may be the language competence should be conducted in the classroom. The students learn to attend to the words they hear and to think about those words mean together.

When sharing poems in the classroom, students are strengthening their reading skill and build reading fluency through repeated reading. This can be one of the teachers’ tasks means to conduct the process of teaching and learning in the class. Let’s see the following how a teacher of language encourages students to read one of the following poems written in Malay language by A. Halim Ali entitled “


Melihat ke dalam diri
Ada arus kedaifan mengalir di lembah fakir
sebuah dataran kecil yang membentang pemikiran
masih kering digersangi kemarau ilmu
ada kamar mahmudah bersalut kepalsuan
ada riak yang bersenandung di sudut hati
Wahai kesemptan yang kian menghilang
aduhai waktu yang pergi dalam diam
Berikan sedikit peluang
Untuk kumaknakan sebuah penyesalan
dan sedikit kesempatan
untuk kugenapkan syukur
kerana masih dihidupkan.
lapangkanlah ruang keampuan-Mu
Untuk kubentang hamparan taubatku.(2015 : 57)

The language teacher can ask students to read the above poem loudly in order that they can improve their reading skill and listening and identify their pronunciation and does the same in the next poem with the same topic.

Explore Language and Vocabulary

In terms of teaching language through Malay poetry, teachers will get a special tool. This may bring a positive impact that students will get advantage of learning and improve their vocabulary. Students are exposed to words they have not heard before and they hear them in context. The teacher can discuss new words with the students so as to develope language skill to fulfill the target of learning dealing with teaching Malay poetry in the classroom.

In Malay poetry often contains words, and figures of speech , which can improve students’language competence in building up sentences in Malay language or English language,especially to those whoa are learning Malay language aborad. In short, poem can be used to teach sentence structure, part of Speech, and grammar skill.

Inspire Writing

The professional teachers should be able to make students’ inspire in writing through poems. Poem should be constructed by using words that be choosed. In poetry, we learn how to put word together to form meaning and context. We learn how to choose the right words.

Starting teaching and writing through Malay poetry to students of University should be applied by a certain planning. It should be kept in mind that a good writing using poem include planning and brainstorming activities. The teacher should lead students to write simple poetry forms in Malay language that follow a pattern that students can easily connect to.

In case of writing Malay poetry, the teacher should be able to make an example of writing in a simple Malay poetry by giving a topic quotef from A. Halim Ali’s poem entitled “ TAUBAT”


“Aku dengan selau dosa terbuka
Jatuh menggelupur di tepi Rahim-Mu” (2015 : 68)

The teacher can also train students to improve their vocabulary through Malay poetry by asking them to fill in the missing words in every lines of the poem so as to encourage students to think over and over what the right words should be used to achieve the target of language skill. For Example : Read this following poem written by A Halim Ali and fill in the missing words of each lines.


Dalam ruang ...
kita adalah pencari di ...
menyusur .... angin
menyantun suara ombak
merungkai misteri ....
berguru pada gelombang
.... tumpah tak bersambut
luas makna tak ... (2015 : 15).

Another strategy of developing skill in writing is that the teachers should be able to create students’ competence in language skill based on the landscape ,views or picture they can see. Put their attention to what they see around and start to write something based on the picture they keep in eyes to create their inspiration related to the theme, and topic of the poem that they are going to write or the teachers sometimes give a topic of the poem with a certain theme that should be written. For Example : Write a poem in Malay language based on this following topic and theme, and not more than 20 lines.


Theme : Catatan yang penting dalam kehidupan

Build A Love for Reading

University students should love reading and learn how to read. The teacher should expose them to variety of style and types of text. The students should be encouraged to read Malay poems by action based on what they read.The more reading conducted by students, the more knowledge of reading poetry will be there as far as they concern with the reading. Consequently, they may not act to read poem like the action of drama dramatized and acted on the stage. The teacher may ask students to read the poem and present it in the classroom. For Example : Read the following poem entitled “ MELAYU PULAU DUA” by : A Halim Ali


Tika merenung wajah Melayu Pulau Dua
dan mengamati halus tutur bahasa
Peribahasa dan tamsil ibarat
pantun dan selokanya
tiada satupun yang berbeza
dengan Melayuku di Tanjung.
Melayu Pulau Dua
Melayu jati tanah anjung Myanmar
sama sahaj dengan Melayu lain di Nusantara
manis berbahasa santun berseloka
kita serumpun setenggara
seagama sebudaya.
Tika senja saat pertemuan berakhir
Pulau Dua yang jauh di mata
Jatuh cintaku di lubuk hati
hati Melayu beralas budi
budi Melayu Pulau Dua
kutambat di pangkal hati ( 2015 : 46)

Reading poem is not only emphasized in pronouncing the words but also in understanding the meaning of the poems. The professional teachers of English encourage students to read the poem by grasping and finding out the meaning of the poem. This depends on the teachers’ techniques. To understand the meaning of a poem is a must that concerns with semantic and good appreciation will create the best meaning of the poem related to the subject matter and contextual meaning of the poem. Many readers of the poems do not understand the meaning. If the students understand the meaning of the poems, they may be asked to write something about the poems using their own Malay or English language or at least they can build a good discussion by asking and answering questions to one with another in the process of teaching and learning in the classroom regarding as practice speaking. For Example : Read the poem entitled “ API DAN EMBUN “ by A Halim Ali and try to appreciate the following poem , and write it in a paragraph about the poem and discuss it using your own Malay language or English. Then, answer these questions based on the poem.


“ Warna dan air mata
tumpah dalam keangkuhan
membakar kemanusiaan
yang kering
di pintu Raffah “(2015 : 155)

Questions :

1. What is the subject matter of this above poem?
2. What are the figures of speech found in this poem?
3. Why does the poet say “ membakar kemanusiaan”
4. Are the repetition found in thispoem?
5. Is the topic of the poem concerned with the context ? Explain.

Another way of teaching languge through Malay poem can also be conducted by the languge teachers in order to cover the language skill like sentence structure based on the word used by the poet in his poem. For Example : Read this following poem entitled “ DARAH TINGGI ” by : A Halim Ali , and you then, (1) find out the subject, predicate ,object and adverb of each sentence, (2) Make good sentences based on the words found in the poem itself.


“ Ia tanda kebanjiran berfikir
melebihi paras diri
Ia tanda terlebih bertindak
melewati upaya hati
Ia tanda awas napsi
yang dilanggari berkali-kali
ia tanda timbunan dosa
dilunasi reda Ilahi
Ia adalah tanda hampi detik
dekatnya mati
Jangan membiarkan diri
lemas dalam limpahan
darah yang tidak bererti.
Darah tinggi
kemuncak pencapaian tertinggi
yang paling ditakuti” (2015 : 65)
Answering Question no.(1)

1. Ia tanda kebanjran berfir melebihi paras diri
2. Ia tanda terlebih melewati upaya hati
3. Ia tanda awas napsi yang dilanggari berkali-kali
S P/C Object Complement
4 Ia tanda timbunan dosa dilunasi reda Ilahi
S P/V Complement Object Complement
2. Answering Question no.(2)

Apa kata kerja dari kata awas.è1.awas
Jangan banyakè2. dosa buat dosa di dunia ini..
Kami melewati zona merah.è3.melewati
Jangan menyakiti hati orang.è4.hati


Having discussed Malay Poetry in Language Teaching, it is concluded that the objective of teaching Malay poetry using Malay language or English as the medium to teach is to help students communicate fluently in the target of mastering language. The benefits of using Malay poetry in the process of teaching using languages such as Malay language or English by the poets indicating students’progress in developing language skill such as reading, writing , and listening and speaking.

However, the teacher should be able to select the poem as study material for students to learn before starting lesson in the class. Using Malay poetry in the process of teaching and learning language can be done as a reference for other teachers so as to improve students’ competence in language skill.


Alexander,L.G. 1977.Poetry and Prose Appreciation for Over Sea Studies.
London :Longman Group.
A Halim Ali. 2015. Melihat ke Dalam Diri.. NHA Excell Resources.
Arthur , B. 1968. Reading Literature and Learning a Second Language. Language
Learning 18(3-4), 199-210.
Benton, M. & Fox, G.1987. What Happens When We Read Poems in Lee, V J.(ed)
English Literature In Schools,Milton Keynes : Open University Press
Booth, D.E,& Moore,B.1988.Poems Please.Markham,OntarioPembroke PublisherLtd.
Carter, R & M. Long. 1991 Teaching Literature.Longman
Cooper,H M.1988.The Structure of Knowledge Synthesis ‘ Knowledge in Society’.
Hall,L.1989. Poetry for Life,London : Cassel Education Ltd.
Laar,Gillian. 1993. Literature and Language Teaching. Cambridge
Widdowson, H. 1975. Stylistics and the Teaching of Literature.
Maley , A. & Moulding, S. 1983. Poem into Poem, Cambridge : Cambridge
University Press.
Orme, D & Sale, J.1987. The Poetry Show 1, London: Macmillan Education Ltd.

Siamir Marulafau
Fuculty of Culture Study, University of North Sumatra,Medan


This scientific research is entitiled “An Oral Tradition of Nias Literature : Laowo Maru Nidun6- dun6” describes about a legend story in relation to folks tale that arose in Nias literature. So far this story is about “ Laowo Maru”, a well known name of a strong man, who used to arrest people sailing at the sea of Nias island at that time. This writing aims to share how Nias traditional story be narrated and retold by the former Nias people in Nias language from time to time up to now. The method of telling the story is Social Culture Approach. The finding will be later coming out as has been proved in today’s time referred to the location be a tourism area in Nias island.

Key Words : describe, strong, saling, tourism

The Writer’s life :

Siamir Marulafau is a lecturer of language and Literature at the Faculty of Culture Study , University of North Sumatra, Medan- Indonesia. He has been teaching language and Literature for many years and conducting Seminar in Literature and Linguistics as a Speaker or Presenter at UNY, ULM, University of Science Malaysia (USM), University of Putra Malaysia( UPM), Terengganu, Pahang and Singapore, Sandakan. He is a poet and has written seven Antologies of Poem published in Indonesian language and English. He is a member of OPA group of writing poems in English, and he has gained the first place of poetic talent in Hyderabad, India 23 rd, 9 ,2017.

Oleh : Dosen Fib USU, Medan.

Fakultas sastra bukan hanya saja belajar dan mengajar sastra seperti puisi, prosa, dan drama.Orang sastra itu harus tampil dalam berbagai keahlian di bidang seni. Di Fakultas Sastra banyak bidang keilmuan yang harus diketahui seperti ilmu seni tari ,Ilmu seni musik, ilmu seni melukis dan lain sebagainya dan sama seperti dalam bidang atau jurusan arsitektur. William Blake, seorang pemuisi dan ahli dalam bidang arsitek di zaman periode Romantis dan juga ahli dalam bidang ilmu sastra. Ia adalah seorang pemuisi yang terkenal. Salah satu puisinya yang terkenal bertajuk : " The Sick Rose". Penyair ini sangat terkenal di Inggris dan telah mendunia dengan karya-karyanya yang telah dipulikasi pada zamannya.

The Sick Rose


O Rose thou art sick.
The invisible worm,
That flies in the night
In the howling storm:
Has found out thy bed
Of crimson joy:
And his dark secret love
Does thy life destroy.

Sastra dan arsitektur sangat erat kaitannya dalam bidang seni walaupun banyak orang menganggap bahwa arsitektur ini semata- mata ilmu yang digarap dari Fakultas Teknik jurusan Teknik Sipil. Tapi aneh dan nyata Associate. Prof.,yang satu ini menguasai ilmu arsitek yang langsung ke lapangan dengan beberapa keahlian diperoleh semenjak belajar ilmu sastra dan linguistik di Fakultas Ilmu Budaya,USU,Medan dalam beberapa SKS selama kuliah S1, S2. Sebagai contoh dalam keilmuan Pemasangan batu granit di dinding, dan lantai , pemasangan keramik, plaster dinding, relief, pemasangan batu bata, sampai pada perangkaian besi beton bangunan dan lain- lain sebagainya. Bila sudah pensiun nanti, maka keilmuan itu hilang di Fakultas Sastra,USU Medan, sembari mengajar bahasa Inggris di Fakultas Teknik USU, Medan.

Dalam pikiran sang penyair ini, bila hanya ahli dalam berpuisi saja ,apalah yang akan dibawa untuk mencari nafkah istri bila punya istri dan anak anak, matilah. Makanya selagi nafas dikandung badan dan tak menerawang di langit biru maka menuntut ilmu perlu untuk bekal hidup di dunia tanpa mengemis pada kerabat, teman dan tetangga. Pokoknya, hidup ini harus gigih, dan tabah menghadapi segala cobaan. Yang paling penting dalam kehidupan ini adalah USAHA. Selama mengajar di Fak.Teknik USU, Ia selalu membimbing mahasiswa Teknik jurusan Teknik Sipil tentang arsitektur dalam bangunan berseni.

Selagi sang penyair ini masih bernaung di Fib USU, mahasiswa yang berkeinginan memperdalam keilmuan di bidang seni arsitektur bangunan dalam bidang praktek , boleh konfirmasi dengan Beliau. Jadi, ada seorang mahasiswa Fakultas Teknik USU bertanya pada saya. Pertanyaannya begini : " Bagaimana langkah pertama untuk memasang batu granit di dinding itu ,Pak?" Lantas saya jawab : " Sebelum anda memasang batu granit di dinding itu, harus diperhatikan apakah siku atau tidak? Kemudian, ambil selang untuk timbang air dalam mengukur kedataran di dinding yang akan dipasang. Tarik benang dari atas ke bawah dinding untuk mendapatkan kelurusan pada arah horizontal. Untuk mendapatkan kelurusan dan tegaknya batu granit, perlu WATER PAS untuk mengukurnya. Ingat, bila batu granit dipasang di dinding, maka gunakan perekat atau semen yang sedikit dicampur pasir ,yaitu 1/3 pasir dan semen 2/3 dalam satu ember. Sebelum di pasang, hendaknya dinding harus disiram pakai air dulu supaya mudah batu granit itu lengket di dinding tersebut. Memasang batu granit di dinding itu, harus dengan penuh kesabaran, ketelitian dalam meletakkan dan meluruskan serta meratakan batu granit di dinding yang dipasang. Setelah dipasang dengan sempurna maka tunggulah sampai kering untuk pemasangan berikutnya yang dimulai dari bawah sampai ke atas dinding."

Kemudian, mahasiswa ini bertanya lagi, Pak. Kok bisa tahu ilmu ini,pak? Dari mana belajar ilmu ini? Sementara, anda di Fakultas Ilmu Budaya USU. Lantas, saya jawab : Ilmu seni arsitek ini otentik dengan ilmu seni sastra dan mereka sama- sama memiliki unsur seni dalam mencapai keindahan yang istilahnya " DULCE". Inilah yang membuat teman - teman di Fib USU terheran- heran melihat keilmuan saya dan ada geleng - geleng kepala dan kadang merasa heran dan takjub karena kami hanya bergelimang dalam teori sastra saja.Itu pun teori - teori yang tak habis- habisnya. Sementara ini bukan teori semata tapi langsung ke lapangan, iya atau tidak?

Lantas, mahasiswa ini merasa takjub dan berkata , kok Sarjana Sastra bisa ke Teknik Arsitek? Gawat ini.Jadi dari mana Bapak tahu tentang ilmu ini,Pak? Kalau begitu, minta diajari Pak. Aku datang ke tempat Bpk memasang batu granit,Iya Pak. Karena ilmu itu penting. Nah, ada yang mengatakan " Knowledge is power". Nah, itulah bedanya ilmu Science dengan Knowledge. Bila science itu diperoleh melalui teori sistematis. Sementara knowledge (pengetahuan) diperoleh melalui pengalaman tanpa berguru di sebuah lembaga atau institusi.

Pada akhir penjelasan saya, mahasiswa ini berucap terimakasih kepada sang penyair, anggota PERUAS. Moga ilmu yang disampaikan akan menjadi barokah.Aamiin.

Assoc.Prof.Siamir Marulafau,M.Hum
NIP. 19580517 1985031003

Rabu, 16 Februari 2022

Cerpen - MUMPUNG DI WARUNG Penulis : Airi Cha

   Kemarin jumpa lagi lah awak sama abang tu. Anehnya wajah mustapanya terlihat kek sedang berpikir keras. Kalah kerasnya kulit kemiri. Kalok udah liat dia macem gini, penasaranlah awak. Jiwa detektif terasa meronta-ronta mau cari tau sebab musababnya.

"Napa ko, Bang? Gak lagi kesurupan, kan?" Rada takut jugak awak tanyaknya.

"Ko lihat lah Dek pakai mata, kesurupan ngak aku?" Sahutnya rada jengkel.

"Janganlah langsung naik pitam gitu, Bang. Cepat tuek ko nanti," bujuk awak biar gak marah dia.

"Gak adalah jawabanmu yang bisa nyenengi atiku."

"Iah mo kek mana lagi awak bilangnya, Bang?"

"Bilang ajalah, apa kek. Entah bilang 'sedih awak lihat Abang kek gini,'" pintanya.

"Preklah. Macam betol aja mintak dibujuk-bujuk kek anak kecil. Intinya ko kenapa, Bang?" Tembak awak males basa-basi lagi.

Tiba-tiba matanya yang macem mata ikan lele pendal-pendil kek kelilipan gitu liat awak. Makin bingung kan awak dibuatnya.

"Ko rasa pacaran dan nikah beda usia wajar ngak?" akhirnya keluar jugak suara dari muncungnya.

"Wajar aja lah."

"Meski pun sampek beda tiga puluh tahun?"

"Kalok udah takdir gak bisa ko milih-milih, Bang. Jodoh itu urusan Tuhan," kata awak lah udah kek Mamah Dedeh lagi ceramah.

"Apa kata orang nanti?"

"Urus kali omongan orang. Maunya ko gak kebagian jodoh, Bang?" Tak takut-takuti lah dia sekalian.

"Jelek kaii lah doa mu itu. Gak ada bagus-bagusnya."

"Gak bisanya Abang bedakan doa sama becanda lagi? Eh memangnya siapa Kakak itu, Bang?" Penasaran lah awak kan.

"Belum adanya, aku kan cumak tanyak aja. Terus yang gak wajar itu menurutmu kek mana lah, Dek?"

"Yang gak wajar itu, kalok abang sampek pacaran dan nikah sama cewek beda dunia. Kayak dunia nyata dan alam gaib," jawab awak sambil nyomot gorengan.

"Makin gak enak kupingku dengar jawabanmu itu, Dek. Eh ko makan bakwan bayar sendiri, kan?" Langsung meluncur kalimat saktinya.

"Kimbek-kimbek, cepat kali muncungmu bilang kek gitu. Takut kali ko tekor bandari awak."

"Eh, bukan kek gitu, Dek. Abang kan cumak tanyak masak ko langsung marah."

"Itu bukan tanyak namanya," gerutu awak kesal.

"Jadi maunya kau kek mana lah, Dek?"

"Betolnya ko mau tau maunya awak, Bang?"

"Ya betol lah, masak Abang ecek-ecek, Dek," katanya gak mau kalah mop.

"Wak, nasi uduk ayam penyet satu, sayur asam, capcay, ma teh botol. Kerahannya ma Abang ini." Tak pesan lah sebelum lima menit selagi dia belagak baek.

Si uak langsung manggut sambil nyiapi makanan yang awak pesan.

Sementara kawan awak hanya bengong dengan mulut manggap macem ikan gak kebagian air. Mungkin dia mau ngomong, tapi suaranya terjegal di tenggorokan.

Buru-buru awak sodorkan teh putih biar gak kemasukan lalat ijo muncungnya. Tau sendiri lah kelian kek mana rasanya kalau lalat atau nyamuk masuk ke mulut, gak enak kan? Macem kek gitu lah perasaan abang itu waktu dengar menu pesanan awak.


Cerpen –
Penulis : Airi Cha
Pengojek Hati