Rabu, 07 Oktober 2015

Kumpulan Puisi Siamir Marulafau - CINTA DI BALIK DERITA

Oleh :siamir marulafau

deburan air sungai mengalir
ke seluruh jiwaku
terbentang di langit biru
di kala kutatap dengan
mata hatiku di balik gunung
...menjulang tinggi di atas awan kelabu

senantiasa lara terkesima
di saat hutan belantara
gunung Leuser melambaikan
keagungannya membuat
hidup tak tentram
seram dengan cakrawala hutannya

sepertinya suara penghuni hutan
menyapa dengan suara merdu
indah menyayat bulu kuduk
sampai kuterhempas di jalan tak berujung

sungguh mempesona
rasanya lelah tak berkesudahan
menyeramkan pandangan
dengan margasatwa, mengganas
menerpa aroma tanpa berpikir panjang

jika salahku tergores di atas daun
Jasadku akan ditelan harimau berbelang
di saat mentari menyinar di atas tanah gersang
apa salahku ?
apa dosaku?

aku hanya pasrah dengan langkahku
langkah pertemuan rezeki maut
akan kugapai jika Tuhan menghendaki
jalan kutempuh pun seram
dengan tanah liat berbatu kerikil tajam
tapi tak setajam pisau kuasah

menghempaskan jiwa tak berpilar
sepertinya napasku tersesat
menghirup udara tak bersahabat
dengan cinta di balik derita

aku hanya pasrah pada-Mu, Tuhan
mau ke mana jasadku tertanam
...di lereng-lereng gunung
bersemayam di atas tanah Tangkahan,langkat
tak terkira dalam impian masa lalu

aku hanya membiaskan persaanku
sepanjang petualanganku tak terkira
hanya dalam impian sekejap
kulalui jalan berliku dalam hidup
gersang menyengat lara denga pohon sawit
...melambaikan tangan denga keakraban

petanda daun-daun pepohonan rimbun
menyelimuti kerinduan masa lalu
tak akan terbungkus sampai air kering
tertumpahkan di atas deburan sungai
...mengalir dari hulu ke muara
walaupun hanya sebatas mata memandang



My love never hurts you
As long as my soul is running
To search for the truth
It comes from radiant claims
Never comes to others' heart
It has no ending up to die
Not like what you see
It can't be measured how its deep
Really to urge from time to time
Not like the dying leaves
It would be blooming in the spring
So far i think always
While others think is like a dead leaf
But not like what you think
You may come to dive how pretty it is
It is surely from heart to heart
Since then i keep as a memory
It never fades away from the beginning
Be sure of its face
My love never swims in a large sea
Though it is hard to swim
Can be achieved in a short day
No matter of love be gained
As beautiful as the palm tree
At the beach near by
To appreciate one with
Because of its purity
And no one except my choice



Even a single word is hard to express
My love is really far away
Since you are going away from my side
Though i have been waiting for a long time
I can't get rid of remembering
Because you are a part of my skin
Many birds in the trees singing to speak
My love is like water fall
I flows up and down the hill
Whereas the leaves are running to smile
Never i forget to say how beautiful it is
Because of you that the moon smiles
Even the sun performs lightning
Really my love is in yours
But never you have a care of gazing
What makes you so having a gloom
Never i hurt you
Never i beat you
I only smile always
Is that the money you ask for the last time?
You are not in deep to use
My love seems to have no poor
It arises from the bottom of heart
Which never sees the color of skin
The color of racism so as to be
No, i say no
Because we are from the same clay to be born
Think twice or trice before leaving
You may not go away from
This world is so large to live in
We are the players living and having right
To love each as a memory...
Be sure to be or not to be is very secret
That the last word i expressed not to say good bye



So far away to wait for
While the hope is coming soon
My hand is short to grasp
My longing speaks to
No body knows what i mean
Except when she comes along with
But i do care always
She never rejects for a while
No response since then
My love is in hers
Though it is for a game
Never i miss so
Because she is a part of my bone
It would be broken into pieces
If she is not in my side
Along with my soul can't stand for
Since the rose is my lives
Wherever i go i imagine
How beautiful her smile is there i gaze
I never forget how she behaves
Never i have contrast with
Because we are in the same clay
To find out where she is
Is not the secret of mine
Only when she is in anger
I just keep silent and go away
No means to avoid
But to conduct fresh one with
No matter what she says
No objection what she does
I use to be patience to wait
For the morning to kiss
So that the love would be blooming


Oleh :siamir marulafau

Tetesan air mataku sebening zam-zam
Mengalir bagai air terjun sigura-gura
Di kala jasad bersemayam di lubang buaya
Tak akan terhindarkan, para pahlawan gugur di medan perang
membela tanah air atas kekejaman para pengkhianat bangsa, Keparat...
Darah-darah mengalir
tercecer di tanah kering
Seiring jiwa tak akan sirna sepajang perjuangan para pahlawan ...revolusi demi bangsa
Meskipun tulang belulang merapuh di tanah tak bersuluh
Aku tetap berjuang...
Sepanjang napas mendengung di udara Tuhan
Jika Tuhan sudah mulai bosan atas kekejaman dunia menguasai ...tahta kerajaan
Negaraku tak akan bergulir sampai akhir zaman
Akan kupertahankan, kuperjuangkan...
Gerakanmu akan kuhapuskan di bumi Indonesia pertiwi kucinta
Keguguran jasad membahana pada setiap jiwa
Menyiksa lara...
Membawa bara api dalam kemakmuran
mengapa di kau kejam?
Tak akan bersyukur dengan perjuangan 1945
Sungguh tercela...
Wahai anak bangsa...
Sadarlah sebelum napas terhempas di tanah diam tak berpilar
Dosa-dosa tak akan mengalir dalam tetesan darah para pahlawan
Seiring singa-singa meraung menerkam para pengkhianat bangsa
Tak akan kubiarkan dan tak akan kumaafkan,
Pengkhianat bangsa dan negara...
Keluar dari bumi ini...
Jangan sentuh tanah airku
Pergilah dari bumi pertiwi kucinta
Moga Tuhan melihat penyaksi sampai akhir zaman


Oleh :siamir marulafau

meskipun aku memetik kembang
di usia senja sekejap
lara tak akan berpaling ke hamparan lautan tak berpilar
di kala langit mengemas dalam jiwa
sepertinya kehidupan akan terasa indah
jika fatamorgana akan menerpa kerinduan lama
tapi biarkanlah ranting itu melapuk
dan tak bernapas sampai ke tanah yang tak bersuluh
senantiasa akan kutunggu sampai akhir zaman
iringan doa...
akan menjadi pelangi dalam jiwa
derau hujan pun akan berhenti
gerimis akan membasahi jiwa yang bersih
sepanjang krikil tajam tak akan menusuk batin
dan hanya akan berdendang
jika hatisanubari tersenyum dengan derita lama kutempuh
sungguh kusayang seribu sayang
napas tak akan bersatu dalam batin
sering dunia mengigau akan kehausan mata air
tercurah sekian lama tak bersua
membuat jiwa tak tentram dengan kisah lama
tak terlupakan sampai akhir hayat
meskipun tulang belulang rapuh ditelan ulat
aku pun hanya berdiam
menangis tanpa air mata
jika kerinduanku sebelum dan sesudahnya tergantung di atas ranting melapuk ditelan derita



Nafsunya membara bagaikan bara api
Sungguh lara terhempas di ara-Nya Illahi



Oleh :siamir marulafau>Hayati Chalil(UlTAH ke -76)

sepertinya usiaku berjalan terus menerus
bagaikan air mengalir dari hulu ke muara sungai
hari berganti hari
bulan berganti bulan
tahun berganti tahun
tak akan terelakan
kodrat Tuhan menyandang keikhlasan
di dunia fana sekejap kubernuansa
Ya, Tuhan...
kehidupan kutempuh dengan gelora
...suka dan duka
tak akan berpaling pada-Mu jua
kenikmatan membias selalu dalam jiwa
di kala usia menempuh 76 tahun lamanya
syukur nikmat-mu kusemai dalam dada
sepanjang dunia tak bergulir jadi debu
sungguh perjalanan di bumi disuguhkan
...dengan penuh gelora sukacita
ketempuh dengan kikhlasan
sampai aku memetik buah di atas pohon rimbun
berjuang dengan rangkaian akar menyebar di daratan segar
ya, Tuhan...
sungguh nikmat-Mu tiada tara
aku sungguh tak akan luput sujud pada-Mu
Zikirku tak akan menerawang di aras-Mu
membahana di sekujur tubuhku
petuah dan fatwa para kerabat,sahabat kusemai dalam dada
merangkai silatuhrahmi sampai akhir hayat
aku senantiasa mengucap terimakasih
sampai nafas tak mendengung lagi di jagat raya tak kekal dan abadi
salam, salam ,salam


Oleh :siamir marulafau

Meskipun kayu merapuh
Akan kudayung dengan besi
Sekali dayung satu dua pulau terlampaui
Sepanjang Lela Jingga mendayung he hulu sungai
Seiring nafasku tak terbalut dengan pasir



Kapalku karam disambar badai
Membuat hati galau tak terurai




My poetic words are not poisonous as a snake's poison
If the poison itself is not used to kill rather than a weapon
To kill the innocent creatures like the victimized people

It needs 'Peace' to normalize the lives
While it is a precious to think rather than to kill
Human existence would be useless
If the 'Peace' is now considered as useless

Think twice or trice before doing
Why should you kill using weapons?
Is the soul coming from you?
Who would be angry if this happened in daily lives?

Let them answer this question
Supposed they are to be victimized
What will they do in the lives without loving?
That's what i mean to think over and over before doing


Oleh :siamir marulafau

Kasihku telah kutuangkan
Sampai lautan kering
Tertampung sampai ujung dunia
Tapi kasih itu sirna
Napas pun sirna ditelan bumi Tuhan
Apa daya?
Tanganku tak sepanjang galang
Walaupun impianku setinggi langit
Aku tak akan sanggup lagi
Menyulam bulan purnama di malam hari
Di kala air mataku berderai
Itulah rintihan tulang belulangku merapuh
...di tanah yang tak bersuluh
Hanyalah mataku memandang
Aroma yang kuhirup
Tak akan bangkit selamanya
Jika trompet malaikat tak mendengung
Di ujung penantian
Sampai pusaraku terjungkir
Bahwa aku bangkit
Merangkai dengan kasih kita semai
Di bawah pohon rimbun dengan cahaya
...rembulan tak tergapai


Oleh :siamir marulafau

Sepertinya aku berlari di lorong-lorong
Napasku sudah mulai sesak
Di kala udara Tuhan pengab
Tak akan membuat hidupku senang
Sampai rakyatku kelaparan di tanah gersang
Aku hanya mengingatkan...
Betapa banyak manusia mengulurkan tangan
Menjerit histeris dengan sesuap nasi sampai ujung dunia
Hati membeku bagaikan es kutub
Tak terkendali dengan nafsu dunia
Yang satu punya ingin jadi dua jadi tiga
Apa ini hasrat?
Tak bisa dikengkang karena kurang
Itulah dunia menggoda sampai akhir zaman



No leaves are whistling
No sand can bury my dead body
Since the sun hates
For a while the moon is unable to enlighten
My thought is sometimes to go away
From the start i know how it is
Because the sky is to dark to fly
Though the wing is broken into pieces
Though the mast is torn
Because of the hard wind
And my ship is still sailing
But no heart to destroy with the wild guns
Let the generations be running the lives
To continue the age of the earth
Because of its old age
Lost generations would be useless
And the lives is in it
And the country would be drying
No water to make it fresh
because of lost...
Let them do what they intend to do before sleeping
Why do you have to kill?
Don't make them lost the hope
They are flowers of the country
They are the lions of nation
To strengthen human prestige
Without caring tiresome of seeing,who the enemies
But why do you have to kill?
Confusing ...
The victimized child is crying
That the cruelty should be avoided
The war should be vanished
It is not fixed for the human lives
Since it brings to many dead bodies
While the weapons are too much
But for destroying
What for all these?
I just keep silent to present this
Because it hurts all
No voice of lips except my heart
Nearly useless for them as killers
How to forgive them?
Depends on Creator how He is to say
What would happen if this simultaneously comes up
It is hard to count
Humanity, equality, friendship are more in quality



I am Your lover
Never found in my dream
What Your face looks like
Never i miss You in five short time
No questions i ask for
Because You are in my heart
I once beg for not changing my heart
Surely for the longing, who never to have meeting
But i use to remember You always
All nights all days my heart is for You all
Never i miss You
Before the breath stops whispering
My soul is for You all
I pray for the sake of You
As long as i do not get rid of You



Telah kukurbankan anakku Ismail pada jalan Allah
Menyembelihlah pada ajaran agama yang haq dan barokah


Tragedi Mina menyayat lara bersejarah dalam duka
Tuhan meneropong dari aras-Nya


Maut yang dijemput di Jamrat tak menerawang di aras-Nya,Allah
Para shuhada akan bersemayam di alam barokah


Tuhan akan melimpahkan rahmat dan karunia
Mina bersejarah merangkai bunga-bunga shuhada


Wukuf di Mina bercahaya
Jasad berbaring tiada tara


Oleh :siamir marulafau

meskipun derau hujan menyelimuti impianku
kutak akan luput dengan belah kasih di kau rangkai
di kala kududuk di pasir putih
berkelana sepanjang masa
menantikan sinar lembayung memberikan harapan
atas rindu-rindu lama
bersemayam dalam lara
tak akan hanyut dengan grimis di tengah hutan belantara
kuhanya pasarah ...
apakah rindu itu akan memanjat setiap pohon-pohon kehidupan
hanya Tuhan maha penglihat
Penyaksi seru sekalian alam



You and i are in life and death
No one except
Those creatures are on the surface of the world
Being existed but we are only among of all
Running the lives as we like
Our love be blooming everywhere else
As long as this world is not drying
But be sure of the world would be a witness to see
How far the love would be running there
Never the love be blackmailed
Since it came from the bottom of the man's heart
Though you are angry for a while
Never i hurt you from mouth to mouth
But i am not a liar to tell
It arise from the purified utterance
That's the real message i expressed
Nothing to be suspected to say so
Indeed you and i are only the creatures living on the earth
While the others' function is so as to see
All the characters are not concealed
Because it is the nature of the man
Though we are the creatures of the same
Not coming from other sources
But from the same clay existed on
Believe to be or not to be
That's the secret of Lord exposed in the Biblical history


Karmina melantum di udara Tuhan
Para penyair siap membiaskan kebenaran


What makes me interested and appreciate your poem is your beautiful choice of words beside theme that is seldom found in many poems i read as long as i become a poet of the world.

I know that poetry is beautiful language arranged systematically based on specific pattern in it.It is the song of heart coming up from the deep feeling spontaneously

By reading poems, we can soothe our nervous because of its melody like a musical song whereas the nature is large to explore in terms of reciting poems.



This world is not smiling
Since the smoke is flying in the sky
The country men hardly die
The breath is so hard to run
The fire brings disaster
To any men for the warning
So as to say..
Who would be blamed?
Mean while the animals are hiding
No place for them to survive
The jungles are in fire
No ice to resist for the victims
As long as the trees are crying
Because of burning
No body cares for this
If this may happen
And what will the nature do?
It is a part human beings
For the soul is nearly the same
Even i keep smile for a while
My tears comes down so as to see
Suffering be increased
The smoke is in the air
The governance seems has no image
Responsibility is the major thing
Those who are in the suffering
Let them see till this world be destroyed
To make others be laugh a whole day
No feeling and thought to steer
The properties are faded away
The victimized people are in it
As long as this world is solid
The leader only gives a smile
To know my country is dangerous fire



Asap mengempul di udara
Manusia bumi bercucuran air mata


Oleh :siamir marulafau

tak akan ada asap tanpa api
asap menerawang menusuk mata
sampai hati pun tersayat
siapa penyebab asap?
hutan-hutan dibakar
semua sirna ditelan api
kenapa mebakar hutan-hutan yang tak berdosa?
sungguh tak berotak
bahayanya asap mengempul di udara Tuhan
Tuhan pun geleng kepala
manusia semakin jahat
tak ada perasaan..
aku pun tak akan bejalan lagi di jalan terbuka
apakah aku mengurung di kamar?
tak akan mungkin tindakan gila
margasatwa pun tak ikhlas
jika sarang-sarang mereka dihancurkan
debu tinggal debu melintas di udara Tuhan
wahai anak bangsa...
apakah tak punya otak?
kenapa di kau tega membakar hutan?
hutan bahagian hidup manusia
mencegah banjir bandang dari hulu ke muara
menyisir kota-kota sampai gedung terhempas
aku bukan marah dalam aksara
aku hanya mencetuskan rasa manusia
tak akan terbenam dalam rayuan
uang tinggal uang..
apakah di kau sengaja?
Jika demikian aku tak akan jerat
terali besi terasa segar
paling-paling demikian
jika hutan di kau bakar
bakar sajalah bumi Tuhan
karena di kau tak punya otak
jika puisiku kasar
itulah sebagai imbalan diterima karena terbakar
terbakar terbakar terbakar
asap asap asap
menyelimuti duka sepanjang bumiku hangus
siapa orangnya?



Puisinya menyayat lara
Pembaca terhempas di lautan asmara




As long as the Earth comes up
I never come out from your heart
Since you are like a larva of my heart
It comes up and down the river
And i swim in it
Though the river is cold like an ice
And no complaint is to feel
Because my love is like a swimming fish
To search for the true love
Wherever you go i should follow you
For my love is from the deep heart
And it has been a memory in lives
Wherever i go ..
I used to remember you
And never say good bye for a while
But you really don't touch me
In case of loving so and so
Before sleeping for miles away
It was used to reminding me
Day by day months by months and years by years
Never i miss my feeling of love
You might ask to whom i love
She really has not been telling lie
Never have i done so...
For a while is not a secret
That might be not a guess
My love is really to say so
From the bottom of heart existing
Before this world be in an exchange of the dust
Let see how the love has a face
Which has never been concealed till to die


Oleh :siamir marulafau

Aku tak memuisi lagi
Jika laraku tak tersanjung
Di ujung lidahmu
Meskipun basah dengan air ludah
Tak akan seperti tinta di atas kertas putih
Tak bernoda
Hanyalah inspirasiku
Menjalar sampai ke ujung rambutmu
Walaupun di kau balut dengan krudungmu
Aku tetap berlindung
Sepanjang aroma asmara tak sirna
...dalam sukma


Oleh :siamir marulafau

Hadia nano asilayawa ita
Awai nioheda haniada
Ba hasifao ba mbotoda
Da'6 dania wa takana-kana
Wa'a mateda
Ena'6 l6 yawa wehededa
Ba niha silumana

Bongi moluo
Ta'era-era bab6i ta'olifug6 ita
Ena'6 aboto bad6d6da
Da'6 dania wameita ba gosali
Da'6 dani wameita ba mandrasa
Tasemba zokh6 yaita

Ena'6 ibe'e kheda howu-howu Nia
Ba'ibe'e kheda Geheha
Ena'6 l6tosasa wa'aruida
Ba mbanua furi
Zino ifasekhi kh6da



Aku menulis selalu pun bukan untuk diriku
Tulisanku hanya goresan untuk pembacaku



Why do you ask me for a love?
Never have I betray from the childhood
Since I was born
You are the only one in my heart
No one,whom i address the love you ask for
But for a while you are away from me
Never i get angry with
Because i am not the hunter of love any more
You are a flower of heart
And you are the fuel of my lives
For i now you are the earth and i am the sky
Though they never meet together
But their heart becomes near and near
Inseparable, certainly to be the twins
And I used to be the sky to see you wherever you go
You may not go away from me
For my love is pure
Not to be a liar of expressing
From the bottom of the sea looks like a pearl
Never be found wherever you see
Because it is the fuel of your skin
So am i that i am to sing
The song i sang when i was a child
Never i forget as long as my lives
For you are the gold my lives



Air sungai tak akan membendung rasa dukaku
Jika hatiku selalu dalam rindu dan galau


Oleh :siamir marulafau

aku tak sanggup lagi menatap langit
jika senyummu tak akan membias di danau kering
seiring hayatku tertanam dalam laramu
meskipun danaunya tak berair

aku hanya menanti rindu di telaga sakti
sepanjang bumi tak bergulir
walupun desah napasku mendesis bagaikan ular di malam hari
akan merayap di sekujur tubuhmu
sampai kuterhempas terkupas kulit

akan tak kubiarkan sampai ragaku tergesek di tanah gersang
meskipun sinar mentari membakar habis
jiwaku setia tetap pada kembang sejati



Siapa bila aku tak akan dipecat
Jika ijazahku kutimpa dengan tinta yang bercat



Aku ini bukan seperti kucing
Menyerong jika makanan tak dikasih kenyang


Oleh :siamir marulafau

aku hanya mengucap
selamat tinggal kawan penyair
puisiku tak beraksara lagi
aksaranya tertimpa elektronik
hangus sirna tinggal debu
sepanjang kabel-kabel tak mengantar arus lagi
arusnya meleleh
kroslet, apa daya?
hangus ditelan registrasi
pns-ku ditelan kertas bertinta merah
sungguh hancur...
apa daya?
aku pun tak bersua lagi
seiring namaku kutimpa dengan tinta hitam
demi sesuap nasi
aku pun tak jerat
hukum itu tak akan bisa digadai
nip-ku pun tak bernombor lagi
apa daya?
apa salahku?
apa dosaku?
bertahun sudah kutelan emas merangkai sinar
sinar terang benderang dalam impian sekejap
membakar semua periuk-periuk
beguling sampai ke ujung dunia
kantongpun menipis setipis daun tak bergaris
hancur hancur hancur
lebih baik hengkang...
pulang kampung
selamat tinggal
aku melukis diriku di syair jalanan kutempuh


Oleh :siamir marulafau

Aku tak akan sanggup membelah bulan lagi
Jika rindumu membelah dadaku
Sementara cinta dan kasihmu tertanam di tanah gersang tak berair
Seiring cinta dan kasiku bersemayam di atas karang tak berlumut

Tak akan terbelah sepanjang bumi tak retak
Meskipun di kau berpaling mencari daun keladi tak kering
Aku menanti sungguh di atas ranting tak melapuk
Sampai akarnya bersenandung kasih nan abadi

Tak akan sirna ..
Tak akan hancur lebur selalu
Jika rindumu membias dalam jiwaku



Aksara puisiku menjalar di atas api panas
Baranya akan trehempas dengan angin spoi di musim panas



Oleh :siamir marulafau

aku tak yakin jika awan itu menggulung harapanku
meskipun dia nampaknya berupa asap mengairi mataku
sungguh tega membuat hatiku menangis
bercucuran air mata sampai kuterhempas di tanah gersang
hanya sinar mentari membakar diriku
sampai aku hangus tak berbentuk lagi
harapanku pun jadi debu
di kala jasadku tak utuh lagi
seiring deburan ari terjun pun tak sanggup lagi menyegarkan sekujur tubuhku
apakah ini dosaku?

aku pun tak bertanya selain diriku
aku merasa hampir semua egois
akan kutunggu sampai tulang belulangku tak merapuh
bangkit dari tanah yang tak bersuluh
sampai kelak akan kusahut


Oleh :siamir marulafau

di mana akan kucari sepertri wajahmu
berbayang selalu dalam hatiku
tapi tak satu pun orang yang serupa
aku berkata itu...
bukanlah karena aku galau
aku hanya mengingatkan diriku akan di kau
sungguh membuat diriku sukar akan mencari seperti di kau
sampai ujung dunia pun tak akan kudapat
lautan kusebrangi gunung pun kudaki
akan tidak seperti di kau...
semua lekuk-lekuk ragamu sungguh tertanam dalam jiwaku
mau kemana pun berada kuselalu mengenang
siang malam berganti pagi petang kuselalu mengingat
meskipun lautan terbelah
tak akan kugapai harapan di kau janjikan pada masa lalu
sungguh sirna di telan angan
impian yang tak kesampaian membuat duniaku kabur
sinar mentari pun tak akan menghangatkan rinduku
seiring aromamu tak tercium lagi
mengapa dikau pergi dan bersemayam di tanah yang tak bersuluh
aku hanya merintih dalam renungan
tak akan ada seorang pun yang menyuguhi senyum seperti di kau
sungguh rinduku membias dalam sekujur tubuhku
sampai aku terhempas di atas karang berlumut
terhempas dalam jurang tak berbatu
tercebur dalam lumpur ...
hancur hancur hancur
apa dayaku ?
tak sanggup lagi menghirup udara Tuhan
berselimutkan rasa duka di saat di kau tak berbayang lagi dalam hidupku
inilah aksara puitisku terakhir dalam jiwaku
sembari kuucapkan selamat berjumpa di atas tanah gersang tak berpilar jika napas tak mendengung lagi



I have never put off my smile
When you seize my heart
Never i come out from the real fact
As long as this world is too much for us
We are the players on it
My love is not for others
But for the rose merely i keep it up
Your promise is in my heart
All days and nights i used to remember
For my love is not like a waterfall
It goes down and spread where it likes
Never i break the promise we kept
No even many stars i gaze at
But only one is in my lives
That is what my last poetic words urged
Even the moon would be the witness
It says my love is like the sun
Its lightning spread to the earth
Where the lives will be in harmony
For the love is not in two sides
How can i delay it?
Be impossible to go away from
Where the rose i used to be there in lives
Though it is full of misery
Never i have broken thought to avoid
That's really she is the rose of mine to kiss
Some other days my dream will be in blue sky
To wait for the love grasped
It looks like wine to drink
For its bottle to keep
So that i will come into it and close my eyes
So far my dream will be factual to engage
Because the rose is beautiful as a moon
That's my lives will be bright in the nightmare
To gain the honey moon once
Never i break
Never i break...
Instead of having failed
Better to die and buried into silent land
So as to be a man is in love


Oleh :siamir marulafau

Janganlah anggap diriku
bagaikan patung berdiri di gurun pasir
jika di kau hanya mencemoohkan
penampilanku yang tak berarti

aku hanya menebus dosa-dosaku
di waktu aku memerintah di negeriku
semua orang membenciku
karena tingkah lakuku yang tak mengenakkan
...pada rakyatku
aku sekarang sangat menyesal akan
masa laluku

semua orang tak senang padaku
semua harapan sirna
tak satu pun yang berhasil
semua orang kelaparan
nah, sekarang ...
lihatlah patungku
kakiku sebelah pincang dan tak berfungsi lagi
semua orang menyengir padaku
akulah yang paling bejat
tak merasa kasihan pada rakyatku
sekarang aku tinggal hanya sebagai patung


Oleh :siamir marulafau

Untuk apa lipstik tebal hingga semut terdampar jika hanya perut membesar karena laki-laki tak bertanggungjawab



What makes me worried about is the love
If it has no meaning for
But it is not a force
Mean while it never comes out from human heart
It comes from heart to heart
Patience to love is obviously not as a rainbow
To go away for the moment
It is hard to go back
And it fades away for some miles
What love i hope to gain in the lives
For me is not like the properties
But for the love that you put on kindness
Everybody wishes love
Not only love from the radiant claims
To love each other is a task
Where should i gain the love?
It is not easy question
Friendship is more better to improve rather than to kill
That makes me hate the war
But peace is the skin of mine or others
Because it is liked by innocent child
They hope the love be in mankind's heart
Not to hurt one with another in a conflict
If love is in the mind
Man may not kill each other
Is it possible to keep it up with consciousness
Why not?
In my mind war is the evil of man's desire
It arises from the black blood
Since the lives will be useless
Otherwise it is not stopped for the survival
Let us avoid the war,which brings damage for us all
Be sure of poetic words
Not to be cruel in mind with the guns
Weapons are not wrong for killing
Man's mind is not a normal to seize the children's right
And kill them uselessly
That's what be hoped for the future generations
Not to run the lives meaninglessly
To create harmony in the nature of man's lives



Rona impianmu tak terkoyakan dan mengibas
Jika langit tak terhimpit dengan bumi dan hamparan lautan lepas


Oleh :siamir marulafau

beningnya cinta kasihmu bagaikan air danau biru
bersemayam dalam jiwaku
tak akan terlupakan dalam sanubariku
sepanjang air danaunya tak akan kering
meskipun terbelah dalam impianku
aku hanya menitip kasih
menyelam ke dalam danau dengan deburan mengalir
sampai kuterhempas di pinggiran
meskipun bayanganmu tak muncul lagi
aroma napasmu masih tertanam dalam impianku
tak akan sirna selamanya
tak akan hanyut dengan air danau
sungguh rinduku tak akan dapat menyelam lagi
di kala kuterkenang kisah masa lalu
tak akan terlupakan sampai akhir hayatku
apakah di kau melihat danauku?
hanya tetesan air mata kering tercebur dalam air danau
hatiku tak aka tercebur sepanjang masa
meskipun tulang belulangmu merapuh dalam tanah tak bersuluh
aku senantiasa menunggu kehadiranmu
walaupun senyummu tak terbias dalam pandanganku
aku tetap meredam segala keinginanku
sampai ragaku hancur ditelan derita sepanjang waktu
tak akan kusemayamkan sampai ujung dunia
aku pun tak tahu...
mengapa hidupku tersanjung dengan kisahmu
jika wajahmu terukir di atas air danau
membuat hatiku tak tenteram sampai napasku tak mendengung lagi
wahai kasihku...
di mana di kau berada?
aku hanya meneteskan air mata
tak tertampung dengan kain sutra
membasahi bumi sampai rerumputan pun hanyut ke tepian
petanda bahwa akulah kepompong merindukan senyummu


Perutnya lapar menggelembung di tanah gersang
Rupiahnya terbang menerawang

Siamir Marulafau


How can I delay my love
Mean while she is the fuel of heart
She never breaks her promise
While i call her name for love
Her love is like a red red rose
It is not hard to pick up
When she smiles at me
I never turn my face away from
Because she never betrays my love
I know that she is really in love
More than the large sea i see
It is as higher as a mountain
When she expresses her love to me
I never keep silent to accept
Except when she gets angry
But never she does in my lives
I am used to be patient
Any how her love is pure for me
She never feels complain to urge
She really says :
If my love was not in yours
This world seems like moonless night
Surely I agree for ever
I never feel objection to read her love
Though she is so far away from me
Never I miss her
She once told she would be ready to die
Otherwise her love will be rejected
But it is true what she said
Love is blind
Whenever she is in gloomy
She might reject my presence to love
I don't care
Because this world is not as large as a stage
Though this world is so wide
We are the players in it
I said once in the lives
Let them talk too much about us
But never to be cared for those as creatures
That is the story of love
I expose for a while
Never i tell this as long as my lives
But this time makes me so brave
To tell the love seems beautiful
I myself never have disagreement
What she said is true
For her poetic words are almost nice as a moon
Never i forget her in my lives and vise versa
Hopes the best for the next to love
And she is really woman in love


Oleh siamir marulafau

semenjak ada fb ini
cakrawala hidupku semakin
meluas sampai ujung dunia
bintang-bintang pun turut berkedip
bersinar sampai ke alam barzah
bulan pun dapat dirangkul
tapi bumi tak bisa dibelah
karena fbku kontak dengan bumi Tuhan
sepanjang signal memancar
sepanjang persahabatan tak retak
sepanjang aksara puisiku membias
relung-relung akan terbuka
Otak jahil pun sirna



I have no heart to think over and over about the war
It reminds me what happened 70 years ago

The second world war
It looks like an evil found in my note book

This world seems not to smile caused by the war
It is a kind of an evil to damage the lives

Nuclear seems to have no eyes to explore
While man's lives is fully meaningless

But what should be done ?
The existence of mine is useless

Those who are being in the lives seem to feel worried
Caused by the authority
Caused by the greediest
Caused by the properties

Why don't you stop it?
And let the innocent child victimized
Lost of land
lost of humanity
lost of friendship
Lost of holy soul

Everything seems an evil
With no right of man to stand for

The misery travels everywhere
It was found in the history

The poetic words are urged
As long as the paper and pen dance on it

Do you hate it?
More than 70 % of my populations hate war

But the mankind is still in love with war
Actually no revenge
But 'PEACE' only

Let's build up the newest lives
Not for me merely

But for the new young generations
For futurity would be bright if the war fades away from


Oleh:siamir marulafau

aku akan menghembuskan napas terakhirku jika laraku tak di kau sentuh dengan senyuman menawan kalbu
meskipun lipstikmu berkelepotan membara bagaikan api menyala dalam jiwaku

senantiasa aku pun tak menolak jika
rindumu dalam relung tak menerawang di langit biru
dan aku hanya pasrah
jika di kau berpaling tanpa pamit

aku juga tak mau balik
meskipun menduda sampai langit berhimpit dengan bumi


Oleh :siamir marulafau

Jangan membakar hutanku
Ini hutan milik margasatwa
Bukan milik siap-siapa
Hutan sangat dibutuhkan
menghalang banjir bandang
Jika hutan gundul
Tanah gersang akan memanas
Jika hutan dibakar
Asap akan menggelembung di udara
Manusia pun akan marah
Pemerintah akan kesulitan
Rakyat akan sengsara
Biarkanlah daun-daun melambai
Bersukaria dan bersenang
Sepanjang angin puting beliung
Tak akan menghempas sampai
..ujung dunia
Biarkanlan batang-batang pohon
...menjulang tinggi di atas
dengan sinar mentari menyinar
Itulah rahmat Tuhan yang paling
...dahsyat yang tak terlupakan


Oleh :siamir marulafau

Kehancuranmu adalah rintihanku
Sepanjang senyummu tak akan kabur
Membias dalam relung
Meskipun asap kabut di Pekanbaru
Laraku tak akan berpaling sampai negeriku hancur jadi abu


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